I'm not any kind of puritan but I strongly believe the whip needs to be cracked on sexual deviency and laws made to enforce morality. There are many unnatural, devient sex acts and practices I would like to see banned, but this thread isn't about that.
I'm pretty sure some of it is pure attention seeking, exibitionist behavior but what are your opinions of public displays of affection? I'm also going to include revealing clothing and public breastfeeding here. It's not sexual as such but it's also nudity which some people will find offensive.
Some things that I've observed to consider. I'm standing in a queue and the couple in front of me are at each other with full force. In another instance I was sitting at a restaraunt at an airport lounge waiting to see someone off. There's a couple at the next table and the women is breastfeeding the baby with her breast clearly visible under the cloth. I find this disgusting in a place for eating. At the same restaraunt at another table is another young couple making out heavily... between eating...
These are my views on the various acts:
1. Kissing. If it's your wife or girlfriend it's fine if you kiss on the lips discreetly when you meet and when you part again but anything beyond that and overt making out is offensive and obscene. If it's a female family member (other than wife) and is a kiss on the cheek as a greeting that's totally fine. Kissing between gay/lesbian couples - NO!
2. Physical contact (other than kissing). Hugging, holding hands and sitting together etc. I don't mind any of this as long as it's discreet and not taken too far. Personally it bothers me a bit when a couple is sitting next to each other too close but I guess I'm just strange in that way.
3. Breastfeeding. There are many women who have this attitude that when the child starts bawing that they have to feed it there and then. It won't kill the child to wait a few minutes. Their other arguments are that it should be OK because it's a natural bodily act. So is pissing and shi**ing but you don't see people doing that stuff where they stand! There is absolutely no reason why a mother should not be simply bottle-feeding the child. We're not animals. If they insist on breastfeeding then they must go to the bathrooms where many places have facilities for that.
4. Revealing clothing (women). I personally don't think women's rights = being naked. This is a very hard one to 'quantify' with all the different clothes, but a few:
a) Low cut tops: how much cleavage showing?
b) Skirts/dresses: I say no shorter than knee-height.
c) Waist: how much gap showing? Don't know here...
d) Feet: don't really care about this one at all, but about open feet etc?
Very interested to hear other opinions and what you think the law should be?
What does annoys me is the unnecessary smooching that couples engage on in the most inappropriate locations. SLOBBERING in a hospital after exiting a visitor’s room. Come on. "There's a time and place for everything."
As for revealing clothing, LOL fuck that. The sluttier the better. :thumbsup:
Morality should not be on the US governments agenda. And if your wanting that move out to the middle east. They will persecute anybody doing all of the things you mentioned. Why the fuck would you want breastfeeding to be illegal in public? Breastfeeding is shown to be way more helpful to the baby compared to bottled milk. This thread boils down to you being a prude.
Pretty much this. If you don't like it, feel free to look away or ignore them. You're complaining about couples sitting too close to eachother. And you want sex acts and practices banned?
If you don't want to participate in them, good for you. None of my business. But nothing gives you the right to tell others what they can and can't do with eachother. It's simply none of your concern. If you don't like having rights, go out to the middle east.
What part of my posts you quoted imply that I said those things were OK? I'd like to see DFG dabble in necrophilia and post pics but I still think it's disgusting. Though out of all the things mentioned, my list of most offensive sex acts - the biggest crimes against nature - would be:
1. Beastiality
2. BDSM. For some reason this one sickens me very much.
3. Anal, though if this was banned the poor gays would have nothing to do...
4. Oral
5. Porn. Any and all. Why can't people just use their imaginations?
6. Any form of mastubation other than straight 'hand-to-gland'. No sex toys of any kind. There was going to be a law for this in Texas but the sick fucks had it overturned.
7. Necrophilia
8. Pedophilia. I put this one last since it's not a crime against nature, as such.
1. i have to agree, fucking any animal is just fucked up
2. i don't mind a bit of rough sex but some bdsm shit takes it too far, like cutting each other and shit
3. Anal with a women doesn't worry me, men fucking men in the ass sickens me
4. Nothing wrong with having your dick sucked so long as its a women doing it. same goes with eating pussy
5. Whats wrong with porn, unless it contains animal sex or sex with dead people or children then its wrong
6, sex toys are rather fucked up i have to agree
7. sex with the dead is wrong, no exceptions
8. sex with children is just fucked up
Besides what is the point of trying to control what people want to do, its the equivalent of having your right to freedom of expression taken away from you and as a totsean i know you would not want that to happen. you have your beliefs, i have mine and others have theirs, there is no point forcing them onto someone else
and as a workmate once told me "don't knock it until you have tried it"
Now that is being daft, whatever two people want to do in their own room is entirely up to them. I agree with 1,7,8. but I would place 1,2,3. Not to say that I practise 2,3,4,6, (which I dont) but I dont think you should judge people on what they do in their own bedroom. However, I do agree with your original post.
Me and my girlfriend are linked by the hands. I dont know if its because it is early in the relationship, but she always seems to grab for my hand when were walking. When were talking to other people, especially another guy, she gets real close to me, and holds my hand or puts her hand in my back pocket.
Personally, I really dont mind it one bit. It shows loyalty.
I agree with the loyalty, but I think that eventually it gets to a point where it's just annoying and clingy, unless she isn't at all like that. But that's just how I feel, I need my space sometimes.
However, what consenting adults do in the privacy of their bedrooms is nobody's business. Live and let live. If you don't like it, then don't do it. It's that simple.
So if this is a list of graded "crimes" as you so put it, you think BDSM is worse than pedophilia and/or necrophilia? Wow.
Truth be told, adding things to sex has just opened up a whole new world for me and my girl, oh, and ever had a prostate orgasm? I have once and I can guarantee, if not, you haven't had a proper orgasm. It's fucking intense. Gotta give everything a go once...but it's all subjective. Much like this thread.
Ps. Going back to the prostate orgasm thing, would you reject a colonoscopy on the basis that it violates your asshole in an "entry" way as opposed to the natural "exit" way? if so, then I think you may have to reevaluate a few basic principles. I detested any kind of medical interference on the same level as Jehovas Witness', refusing needles, any kind of transfusion etc, and not least a colonoscopy. I only had to have it done once, but it saved my ass, literally. I may not be here now if I refused it any longer than I had.
Sometimes you've just gotta let go and enjoy the short time you have on this earth in the grand scheme of things. Nobody's gonna judge you, as everybody does "perverted" (in speechmarks as definitions differ on just what is perverted from person to person) stuff...but an example? I got my mate some anal beads as a jokey 18th birthday present. Didn't expect him to use them, but he did, and on top of having "one of the best orgasms of my life", so he said, I, as well as all our mates, didn't care in the slightest.
Of course, with that comes the opposite and you say "well it's my right to hold my views", which it is. I'm just saying that you have a limited time on this earth, so don't shut out all options just because it might seem "unnatural" to your mind, or the Cult you may belong to.
Agreed, its not like you are hurting anyone else. If your girl wants you to ass fuck her well do it, fuck what anyone else thinks. if you have to spend your life bitching about other peoples sexual and personal preferences you seriously need to get over yourself
All this.
Angry baby or free tits? I know what I'd go for.
Annoying couples in public? It's a bit like pop up ads. They piss you off, but you soon learn to ignore them. I used to spit on the back of couples in public as I hated them. Just seeing them annoyed me to the point where I'd piss the bloke off to see if he really is what he talks about.
Sex toys. Well, some people can't cum without help, so should they spend a lifetime without sexual gratification because OP says so? It's difficult when you haven't lived their life. same goes for me and my medical condition with painkillers and drugs.
Breast feeding in public doesn't bother me, I'm not forced to look at her tit(s) and just carry on with what I'm doing (after I've had a quick peek of course).
I will grope my (girl) like a horny SOB in front of others.
I will also do acts of dry humping when we shop in any store.
I also enjoy Car sex (making a thread for that) doesnt matter where im parked
and I also enjoy seeing ladies dress like pure tramps and really teasing a nigga.
You feel me?
So if dont like it GTFO and move to the mountains you pussy!
I completely agree about keeping the breastfeeding out of everyone else's vision though. Once you start crossing a line of exchanging bodily fluids, you are entering a realm of a yuck factor that really has no place in public. For those saying its the "right" of the infant to eat in a restaurant just like everyone else....I would counter its the RESPONSIBILITY of the parent to better manage their time and not have to make a spectacle of themselves and potentially gross out the public.
The point being even the hungriest newborn eats around every 2 hours or so, and if you don't have the ability to manage your schedule better where you are feeding the baby before and/or after you have to traipse out in public....then you are a lousy fuckin parent, and you yourself don't deserve to be around the rest of us, much less your snivelling infant that will more than likely grow up to be a burden on society any how since its being raised by such a stupid, irresponsible, and clueless "adult". :thumbsdown:
As far as your policies against all of those "sexual crimes".... wtf? Of course beastiality and pedophilia and necrophilia are wrong but incest is okay if its wincest. I really don't understand your beef with sex toys.
Some people just like having a visual as far as porn goes and some people make a fuckload of money in that industry. As long as they are okay with what they're doing I say more power to them. I can concede how it would be degrading to others but I'm not one to judge someone for making their living especially if they're good at what they do.
BDSM can be fun if done safely and properly. A little bit of rough sex can go a long way to strengthen a relationship and couples who practice safe BDSM seem to have a stronger trust bond than others.
I don't participate in anal anything and honestly it grosses me out but I'm not going to knock someone else for doing something that they enjoy or doing something to make their partner happy. Besides, how are gay guys supposed to fuck unless they stick it in a mans pooper?
You are most certainly entitled to your opinion and seeing as thus is Totse everyone else is entitled to your opinion too if you see fit do make it known. That goes both ways though. Her is mine: you are living in the dark ages my friend. Move to the middle east or find yourself a time machine. If you do the latter don't go too far back or you wont ever get any pussy.
You sure about that?
Personally I find consensual sex in the missionary position revolting. Especially if its a married couple. *barf*
Uhhhhh, how exactly are any of these crimes against nature, except in your creepy-ass skull?
2,3,4 and 5 you can go fuck yourself with, I like all those, and I am a straight male.
.... And I personally don't see anything wrong with the rest of it, as long as they keep it tha fuck away from me...
Furthermore, no lesbians kissing? What the fuck bro, are you a queer or something? I mean sure, most of 'em aren't lookers, but I'd wager as much about you
The whole reason you made this thread was because you are a de facto Puritan. Only Puritans (and filthy, filthy Commies) go around judging people for their personal tastes; especially in private. It's not like you've had to sit on a bus and watch a couple of homosexuals fuck a dead guy, therefore how is it any of your business?
Give me your wife and kids Yumm.:fap:
Edit: I don't remember posting this.^
My opinion: As far as making out and kissing, I don't mind as long as it's quiet. If it sounds like they are trying to eat each-others faces then yeah.....
And breastfeeding, If she doesn't mind then I don't, but she better be ready to share if I get hungry
You forgot to mention public masturbation! The best PDA of them all;)
Pedo/beast/necro should all be shot.
LOL you realize if they got what they wanted you wouldn't be able to drink right? As well as numerous other disastrous consequences for others (most of them in Asia and the Mid-East...)
And it's funny you put it like that because I'm entirely against Terrorism unless it harms you or anyone you care about. Funny, huh?:D
Yes very funny. In fact it is the funniest thing I've head today :thumbsup:
public affection is cool but the thing that bugs me is that when they start doing that shit right in front of you. i was in the bus the other day and this one couple , highschoolers , sat right in front of me , they start going at it kissing and slobbering each other , dude starts to do shit that makes her giggle n shit. it feels fucking awkward , YES assholes! we get it you're in love but please keep that shit to a minimum while in public in small spaces. fucking felt like falcon punching them both.
While I agree, who doesn't miss the highschool grope fest.
you should have joined.
im sure that little whore would have enjoyed it
They all enjoy a little groping
you guys would have loved my HS... there were only stuck up bitches and complete whores... and the boundaries were well marked hhahaha
Next time just start jerking off right there. Then if they say anything just be like
Because breastfeeding in public is disgusting to look at. Nobody has to be subjected to that.
Sounds a bit clingy.
Anyway on topic:
I agree with OP completely. Breastfeeding in public is disgusting and should be outlawed.