Do you have any issues on paying for sex?
I will be the first to admit i have paid several women(escorts)
for sex. I dont see any issues on this and dont see why its looked down on.
To me its NSA and pure pleasure for however long you paid the female.
You can very easily go online and chose which girl you like give her a call.
Sometimes within the next hour they will be at your front door waiting for you to open.
How awesome is that.
What are your thoughts? Feelings? Curiosity?:)
i'll pay you double and any day
JestA all girls are dirty.
she goes to your house. you bang her and hour later she leaves.
Like :eek: whaaa? I dont have to lay down next to you and listen to your stupid
voice telling stupid stories.
Its the life the man.
Escorts :thumbsup:
Most definitely this.....there is always SOME price for sex, and having to sleep/reside/marry/associate with a girl is much costlier (time, energy, AND money) than if you have to buy whatever hooker or escort.
Me, I'm all for legalizing the entire sex industry, and for the life of me don't understand why more chicks don't do that to hustle a buck in their younger years. Especially today's day and age, where chicks don't even have to sleep with guys...they could just be paid web cam whores diddling themselves in their own bedrooms.
But really, I oftentimes look at whatever hottie working as a cashier or other low paying job..and think...."my god girl, you could be making HUNDREDS if not thousands of dollars an hour instead of this $8.50 pittance, why the hell aren't you hustling your ass instead of doing this?".
On many levels I have MORE respect for the 20 something whore swinging from a pole or selling her ass on the corner, then the one in a meager paying job not making the most out of her abilities/assets in life.
why would you feel depressed after getting laid?
unless your a faggot
About 100 bucks? More?
I spend maybe 30 bucks a week to see my girl and I get fucked all weekend. She even strokes my ego and cooks me dinner.
You know the saying knowledge is power? Well knowledge of female psychology can get you laid and save you a ton of money otherwise wasted on a one time thing.
And lets say you go out on a date with a girl and dont get laid. At least youre going out and having fun right? Unless your date is a total downer, then in that case you have the freedom to fuck around without giving a shit about making a good impression. Its win win really, people who pay for sex are just stupid with their money.
Im stupid with my money.
Dont hate fag.
Youre stupid with yourself. Invest in some knowledge and fuck all the girls for free.
- she'll do all the positions/fetishes/whatever you want (unless specifically stated otherwise, infact its usually best to discuss unique requests before meeting them)
- you know they're going to be good at what they do since its their job
- It's cheaper than having an actual girlfriend since you only have to pay for an hour session and not dinners, dates, presents, phone bills, and dont have to buy them drinks
- and you dont have to put up with any drama or personal bullshit.
not that im against relationships, I think they're great, but theres alot of people who are just in it for the sex and in those cases everyone will be better off if they just hired an escort every once in a while.
I have my free girls already.
Are judging me already?
Blamehoffman said it best
Its a good reason why i pay these females for sex.
I'm in a steady relationship now so wouldn't do it, but if I was ever single again I certainly wouldn't discount doing it again.
everyone is a whore in some way
I would :thumbsup:
hahah what a fucking loser! :thumbsdown:
All women are filthy lying whores, but on the game prostitutes are more honest, or atleast they have a better gig than the other whores.