It's a very simple equation,
m₁= muscles. ie having physical fitness or being handsome.
m₂= music. ie being creative, artistic, musical, comedic, or charming
m₃= money
and m₄=marriage
As you can see from the equation, you have three paths to success with women. Physical fitness and attractiveness is something hardwired into our brains to feel attracted to, because for most of human evolution fitness meant survival and thus a good candidate for sexual reproduction.
Creativity will always make the women swoon, but it has to be a certain kind of creativity, a traditional creativity. Women won't care about your computer hacking unless you can hack her Facebook page and leave love letters for her all over the page (and even that's doubtful to actually charm a girl). They won't care if you're a great civil engineer unless you can convince a city council to let you erect a statue in her honor. Nerdy creativity usually won't cut it.
The last factor is money, which is like the muscle of the 21st century. Money is directly proportional to brain power. Note that unlike m₁, brain power alone won't attract females, but a nice house and a bangin' Porsche 911 seem to have some kind of magnetic pull on them.
If you possess more than one of the 3 M's, you will be bound to be popular with females, although just one is adequate. Less than one equates you to a loser status. Most men know these things intuitively, but sometimes it's good to lay it out for every man to see.
But here is the problem. I don't want any woman, I want someone special. The problem with me, I don't go for Pakistani girls. So, I am single by choice at the moment. Special case?
Just wondering...
Quit convincing yourself you need this shit to have a girl.
This. :thumbsup:
Then do pray tell us what you need to have a girl O wise one of the cunt.
Thats easy.
You. If you be yourself someone will come to your likings.
You people make finding women a math equation. Its not, be yourself
get "out there" and make yourself known to women. Sure all those increase your
chances of finding a hot girl. You just need to be comfortable with you
when you accomplish that she will see it.
your welcome.
This guy has a point.