This was taken a few months ago inside an igloo I made with some friends. Yeah, I'm a skinny fuck. Always weigh between 120 and 130 lbs.
Holy crap, you look just like an old buddy of mine when we were in high school. Fuck I'm glad dudes are wearing their hair long again, those fauxhawks and light bulb cuts were really starting to piss me off. In fact all the guys who have posted pics so far have decent hair, I sense a golden age of enlightenment is finally upon us.
Holy crap, you look just like an old buddy of mine when we were in high school. Fuck I'm glad dudes are wearing their hair long again, those fauxhawks and light bulb cuts were really starting to piss me off. In fact all the guys who have posted pics so far have decent hair, I sense a golden age of enlightenment is finally upon us.
"its a totse thing"
Haha, no way. Most of my friends have long hair actually, and we all just graduated from high school...though there's only one fauxhawk I can think of, he was the stereotypical douche bag who starts fights grocery store parking lots for no real reason.
Yeah why are there never titties. We need to post information for the totse address at like the playboy site and some shit. We could even make a topic just for them. Show us your titties we will call it. Anyways i have a picture in sexual attractiveness and I wish I never posted it. you can find me there.
I'll take action on that! I'm giving 3/2 in favor of Paco, broad shoulders, a good reach, and I see signs of working out, but I also suspect Pacino comes from a nasty hood, and would not be above a solid kick to the groin as an opener. We can do it behind the church on 4th, spectators who do not bet must pay a door charge, house takes 5% of all wagers to cover airfare and costs.
I wouldn't mind being in that fight as long as you paid for me to come there. I don't think I'm any beast or anything but I do Kenpo on a weekly basis, so I guess I know more about fighting than the average bear.
I don't know why no one has linked it yet but anyone who wanted to post a pic did it there. so far as I can tell anyway.
Being a skinny fuck should be the least of your worries, you're a fucking ginger.
Fuck off with the mindless and tired South Park material.
And realize at least he doesn't have black hair like the other 95% of the world's population.
What's the matter? Did Buddha hit nerve there ginger?
Holy shit, it's Ron Weasley! Hey, Ron, how's Harry?
Minus one hi-liter
For sticking a cap gun to your head :facepalm:
Oh goddamn. You have no idea how often I get that... :cool:
Haha, no way. Most of my friends have long hair actually, and we all just graduated from high school...though there's only one fauxhawk I can think of, he was the stereotypical douche bag who starts fights grocery store parking lots for no real reason.
At the end of a 12 hour nightshift.
LOL, no offense, but with that ear protection on your head you look like Mickey Mouse coming out of the coal mines.
None taken, I only use them to slip my headphones under and rock out on nights and weekends.
13579 if you really ar'nt Rupert Grint, you should really considder getting work as a double if your short of cash.
My mistake, I plead altered state.
To be honest, Fighting a member of totse would be pretty fun. Even if I lost, It would make a great thread.
Holy fuck, the resemblance is uncanny.
Doesn't Dfg owe you some sort of cash reward for finding Waldo?
That would be awesome...
I'm on the left.
That picture told me what town you live in.