For those of you new to the site, one of our mods, a veteran totsean, is currently in the slammer. I have the address for his initial lockup, and his real name, and I am pretty sure of the slammer where he is doing his real time. I am going to send multiple letters to the lockup, the local DOC, and the prison I think he is in. Hopefully he will receive at least one of them.
Please post anything you think would brighten his day, but also realize it will be read by someone, someone mean. I will give the thread 48 hours, then edit(as little as possible), copy, paste, print, and send it out.
"should have done this sooner"
Tell him I said "Get well soon."
Its amusing to me that deep down in your heart you know that Spectral is a very helpful, knowledgable, and worthy asset to these boards. But when your peers conduct this campaign of stupidity all the while soiling the entire community with their immaturity and pettiness, you just sit back completely mute to all of it....not giving a fuck in the least.
Or are you gonna tell us that in all the super secret M&A discussions you are his biggest supporter, and us mere peons aren't privy to your true intents?
If not...then answer me this C/O....why should Spectral give you any assitance in the least, when if your toxic peers had their way you would have NO way to contact Spectral...and in the meantime you don't seem to give one rat's ass about any of that, unless YOU NEED SOME HELP FROM HIM????
My bet is despite the fact you are conducting yourself like a greedy "taker", Spectral's soft heart will get the best of him and he will give you some kind of advice....even though you've shown neither you nor your friend "deserve" that help.
Will you stop turning every thread into a bitch fest. He asked Spectral not your stupid commentary. Stick to the topic.
We should send him letter, we can have a write something for byte thread in which everyone and write things and someone can mail them to him on community behalf.
"What's up Fr0st Byte, it's Trx here. Although we've never really exchanged much conversation, I just thought you should know that you're a pretty cool guy and a good asset to the Totse community. Hope all's going well for you right now - I'd send you something longer but I suck at writing to people I don't even know. Anyway, hope this letter brightens up your day. Also, if emoticons are being printed on this letter then enjoy this compilation -
Go fuck yourself Dfg.....this is the first thread I've posted on in days that didn't have either Spectral or my name in the title. (the threads initiated by YOUR staff members).
Again, you are trying to paint a bogus picture as if I'm tainting "oh so many threads"......when this is the first non bullshit/drama thread I've entered for quite some time.
My apologies for soiling this thread and its topic, I'll leave well enough alone for now. Sorry your staff can't handle having a mirror put up in front of them, whether collectively as a group or if its just their own individual integrity.
He shouldn't, I take back my request, and have edited my post to reflect this. Sorry for trying to treat you dicks like real members with some kind of class. It is a mistake I will not soon repeat.
I will of course include the trollery in my mail, Frost Byte will no doubt get a laugh or two from it.
Thanks mang, that was VERY helpful!
That is this thread, silly buns.:p
Balls, really should have multi quoted those, sorry!
That would be the easiest way. Take care Fr0sty, hope you get out soon mang.
LOL, it's snickers unless you meant that
What we should do is send him drugs.
What was your preference?:)
soz if I weirded you out but yeah, that's how I roll.
Hope you're doing well.
How I miss our privates meetings in the M&A closet, you used to dance and sing for me, I still remember the ring you gave me, I have kept a copy of it on my computer and I print it out from time to time, just as you requested, I have kept it close to my left nipple, it shouldn't surprise you but my left nipple has be erect for days.
I miss the old days, I really do, the lonely walks we had holding hands and talking about guns and short dicks. I still think about your beautiful smile, the way your eyes moved and how you grinned when you saw Mayberry walk through M&A conference room in short skirts. We shared many dirty jokes, the one about LSA accidently boning a midget while screaming loli always gets me.
If you recall you made arrangement for seeing Sarah in December, she didn’t respond about it but I have been stalking her just for you. I already have her pads and next time she visits I will steal her bra as well. And don’t worry after experimenting with various camels; I pretty much know what to do when she comes around. It might be messy but I think leashing a young girl wouldn’t be that hard.
We all miss you and I even spotted TDR making a small puppet for you, I don’t know why he keeps praying around it and chanting some wiccan shit but I am sure he meant well, although if you feel some pinching in your dick, just blame it on TDR, cause I did see a needle sticking out of that doll or whatever.
Mayberry missed you the most, she has been sad for a while. Every day she comes wearing a burkha and my GODs I have to restrict myself otherwise I might get arrested for sexual harassment, hint its rape. I mean she is just trying to reserve herself but man I have a weird burkha fetish.
DaGuru and Spectral finally got married. We celebrated their wedding and we Zok came back to say hi. We all suspected it, after Snoopy leaked their private e-mails they had to come clean. DaGuru and Spec were living together and using two different ISP’s because of that we couldn’t catch them. They’re now thinking of adopting a black kid; they remarked that by adopting a black kid they will become true totseans.
The forums are growing and we just upgraded to VB4, everyone bitched about but I just raped them all, it wasn’t nice and Buddha ass wasn’t pleasant at all, I mean I had to get vaccinated after it but they all went with it. C/O helped us a lot, it was his idea to send you some personal letters. In order to hide our relationship, I posted this letter on the forums. Hopefully no one will read it.
Best Regards,
See you soon bro.
Hokay, here we go, I hope this is going to be easier than I think it is going to be.
"it does what it says it was going to do, or else it gets the hose again"
Hey Frosty, I hope you are not too pissed that I didn't write sooner, I will accept the "major douchebag" title, and say some stuff like better late than never. I know things are not going well for you, but I am sure you can survive this, and be back among us a little older and wiser.
You wanted me to tell you what has been going on in my life, so here's the scoop. The biggest news is that I thought I was going to be a father for a while, what a mindfuck that was. My girlfriend got cold feet though, and I don't blame her, we were not in the slightest bit ready to have a child. Apparently despite all the abuse I have heaped upon myself, my soldiers are good to go, horny teenager grade, insemination machines.
We decided to have an abortion, and I am mid-way through writing a post describing the process. Which has sucked, but my psyche, and our relationship are both a little bit more industrial strength for having been tested. We will do it again some day when we are both ready, and the result will be spectaular, or the antichrist, pretty much a toss up.
I am still cooking for a living, and will be taking over the kitchen where I work soon. It will be both the biggest money, and the most responsibility I have ever had. I dread being in charge again, I'm not good at it. Food is my thing, and I have always avoided being promoted, because it means having to trust others to do what I know I can do better myself. There is something about the level of manipulation and tactics required to be an effective manager that turns me off as well.
But progress must be made. My girlfriend and I are moving in together next month, and I am slowly getting my head around the idea of trading in my life of vice and debauchery for something that will hopefully be better. It is something intangible that I am after, that look I see in the eyes of that guy who is having a picnic with his family. He is tired, stressed, and annoyed, but behind that there is pride and satisfaction you just can't experience unless you play the game.
I hope the conditions where you are spending your days are as good as they can be, given the circumstances. I hope you got some help during your first week inside, I know it must have been hell regardless of whatever support was offered. I hope you sleep well, keep busy, stay safe, and that the food is not as bad as I suspect it is. Mostly I hope you will come out the other side of this and join the world again intact, and with the same good humor I knew for a time.
I asked a few of our online friends if they had anything they wanted me to pass on, and for your enjoyment I present; the overwhelming typed screens elicited.
I asked spec for some advice on finding you and of course the guru rang in with;
Its amusing to me that deep down in your heart you know that spec is a very helpful, knowledgable, and worthy asset to these boards. But when your peers conduct this campaign of stupidity all the while soiling the entire community with their immaturity and pettiness, you just sit back completely mute to all of it....not giving a fuck in the least.
Or are you gonna tell us that in all the super secret M&A discussions you are his biggest supporter, and us mere peons aren't privy to your true intents?
If not...then answer me this C/O....why should Spectral give you any assitance in the least, when if your toxic peers had their way you would have NO way to contact spec...and in the meantime you don't seem to give one rat's ass about any of that, unless YOU NEED SOME HELP FROM HIM????
My bet is despite the fact you are conducting yourself like a greedy "taker", spec's soft heart will get the best of him and he will give you some kind of advice....even though you've shown neither you nor your friend "deserve" that help."
Harsh words were then exchanged between myself and the malevolent entity that is the guru.
Better things followed;
"What's up Frosty, it's Trx here. Although we've never really exchanged much conversation, I just thought you should know that you're a pretty cool guy and a good asset to the community. Hope all's going well for you right now - I'd send you something longer but I suck at writing to people I don't even know. Anyway, hope this letter brightens up your day. Also, if emoticons are being printed on this letter then enjoy this compilation."
The emoticons did not survive the translation.
"The temple misses you dearly. BRTC just isn't the same and it seems ever since you've gone, people have been asking elaborate questions that we could use your knowledge on . Appeal or be on your best behavior so you can get out of that place as soon as possible but remember not to take any shit from anyone. Try not to toss anyone's salad while your at it"
Boxy came in with the short and sweet;
sup frostbyte you're mad cool.
soz if I weirded you out but yeah, that's how I roll.
Hope you're doing well.
And of course Da Fun Guy rose to the occasion with;
"Dear beloved Frost:
How I miss our privates meetings in the M&A closet, you used to dance and sing for me, I still remember the ring you gave me, I have kept a copy of it on my computer and I print it out from time to time, just as you requested, I have kept it close to my left nipple, it shouldn't surprise you but my left nipple has be erect for days.
I miss the old days, I really do, the lonely walks we had holding hands and talking about guns and short dicks. I still think about your beautiful smile, the way your eyes moved and how you grinned when you saw Maycherry walk through M&A conference room in short skirts. We shared many dirty jokes, the one about LSA accidently boning a midget while screaming lol always gets me.
If you recall you made arrangement for seeing Sarah in December, she didn’t respond about it but I have been stalking her just for you. I already have her pads and next time she visits I will steal her bra as well. And don’t worry after experimenting with various camels; I pretty much know what to do.
We all miss you and I even spotted TDR making a small puppet for you, I don’t know why he keeps praying around it and chanting some wiccan shit but I am sure he meant well, although if you feel some pinching in your dick, just blame it on TDR, cause I did see a needle sticking out of that doll or whatever.
Maycherry missed you the most, she has been sad for a while. Every day she comes wearing a burkha and my GODs I have to restrict myself otherwise I might get arrested for sexual harassment. I mean she is just trying to reserve herself but man I have a weird burkha fetish.
The guru and spec finally got married. We celebrated their wedding and zoke came back to say hi. We all suspected it, after Snooty leaked their private e-mails they had to come clean. The guru and spec were living together and using two different ISP’s because of that we couldn’t catch them. They’re now thinking of adopting a black kid; they remarked that by adopting a black kid they will become true not'see'ems.
The forums are growing and we just upgraded to VB4, everyone bitched about but I just smacked them all. C/O helped us a lot, it was his idea to send you some personal letters. In order to hide our relationship, I posted this letter on the forums. Hopefully no one will read it.
Best Regards,
Da Fun Guy
See you soon bro."
TDR, Dak, Bodai all gave their regards and wished you a speedy return to the land of the free. Several others also wished you the best.
So that's it for this one mang, if I hear from you I will share it with all concerned parties, and for my own curiosity, could you tell me what the food is like?
Oh, and a certain fat fuck said very mean things, but that is just his way of showing he cares.
Have a better one;
"I hope I get a conjugal visit!"
You are a worthless fucking junkie and a bigger drain upon civilized and contributing members of society than 3 million crack babies on welfare and medicaid. I am writing a letter to both of my senators to advocate for possession of any opiate without a prescription being made a capital crime.
"burn junkie burn"
The inmate finder I used to locate him said his parole date was the beginning of January.
Sorry fatty, but after seeing your picture, your commentary simply does not have the same effect it used to. You should work the look though, bet you could get some government support and a free bus pass out of the deal if you played it well.