And i was happy to be part of that downfall. With my extensive meth promotion, awkward girl threads, angry trolling, E-thuggin, and bitching about weird health concerns. :thumbsup: lets all sit back as zoklet burns, i gots blunts n rum
hmm search anders zoklet on google and watch what comes up. threads on zoklet about jewish influence in america and immigration . those are two topics that keep coming up in all the norway news. makes you think.
i dont live in a ghost town, there are just too many mexicansunless you were refering to zoklet, to which i say fuck that placenothing interesting has gone down there since late 2010
What intellect? this place is a fucking ghost town.
Not really a ghost town mate, I was in the middle of developing things when I got stuck IRL crysis. Give it at least hmm 6 hours or so, you will more changes and more traffic.
Finally read that Zoklet was down and decided to come here as well. Then I saw Tacho was here as well and was like "Fuck" then saw Zok Jr., Arleybob and Captain Falcon and then signed up.
PS: TheDarkRodent I always get told that I'm you over there by faggots like Zos and Ate because they hate being told they are failures at life. I get a daily or three times a day PM from them failures all spamming they are gonna ban me because I circumvented an IP ban because I'm TheDarkRodent. Kind of sad really they are so delusional.
EDIT: Honestly I bet Snoopy was mad he got banned for PI spreading and then DDOS'd Zoklet.
noope it was the cool TRT not LSD's blog .. im drunk and dont really give a fuck right now im sure if I post here long enough here you'll figure out who I am ... but uhmm yeah so anyways arleybob WHAT UP ?
Lol I'd hate to give up Zoklet to come to a site full of rejects of zoklet, The people who didn't quite fit in there so they had to come here and start fresh...It wouldnt feel right at all
the only person thsi could be is like felonious_monk
It got shut down do to RC trading most likely. I had been in a transaction with muffins for like 2 weeks for 2c-e. He kept saying he was going to refund money while i insisted the purchase go through. He said "the warehouse burned down." (and I did get a refund, but wtf) Site went down right after I got that pm.
It got shut down do to RC trading most likely. I had been in a transaction with muffins for like 2 weeks for 2c-e. He kept saying he was going to refund money while i insisted the purchase go through. He said "the warehouse burned down." (and I did get a refund, but wtf) Site went down right after I got that pm.
I still think Snoopy DDOS'd Zoklet. Call me crazy but he was saying he was gonna get revenge if he got banned and it happened within days of his banning.
Thanks trx100. I do rather enjoy a warm welcome. Sure beats the treatment that most people get from the staff on Zoklet on a day to day basis.
Yeah no problem. That welcome goes to everybody though, we're all chill here and it's cool to see some fresh faces around here Enjoy your stay, however long that is.
Yeah no problem. That welcome goes to everybody though, we're all chill here and it's cool to see some fresh faces around here Enjoy your stay, however long that is.
Well I'll take a look around so more but if most Mods are this laid back and don't pop a squat onto a cactus while posting like the Zoklet Mods seem to do, I may end up staying here,
I'm not though. I just hate the same Mods for the same reasons which are their circle jerk and crapping on posters then blame the posters, telling them the door is over there then getting mad at users for saying "Fuck you" when they truly are fed up.
EDIT: I was registered before TheDarkRodent on Zoklet and was gone the whole time he was on Zoklet so I can see why people get confused.
I'm not though. I just hate the same Mods for the same reasons which are their circle jerk and crapping on posters then blame the posters, telling them the door is over there then getting mad at users for saying "Fuck you" when they truly are fed up.
EDIT: I was registered before TheDarkRodent on Zoklet and was gone the whole time he was on Zoklet so I can see why people get confused.
LOL, those morons, I used my VPN and created a half a dozen accounts over there, but I have not posted there since around March.
You just know Tacho spends all day on zoklet refreshing the page. ROW ROW FIGHT THE POWA AGAINST THE FASH ONLINE!
Even if you were trolling, you spend way too much time online acting like a leftist cliche to not be a loser and you're just trolling yourself. Go and get a hobby.
Psh, I bet he won't admit to whatever it was anyway. If that place comes back online, he'll blame some server outage, you'll lose a few months of posts, etc etc.
hopefully zoklet stays down and everyone comes here except for the faggot ass zoklet moderators. this site would be good if it had more than 5 people posting
I have a feeling it's going to get even more real if that place has been shut down for good.
Hah, we're going from suspecting that the Norwegian terrorist is involved to Zok having TTFN'd the site. Think we could all not get worked up and give it a couple days. If I remember right, I do think I recall Zok having mentioned that he'd be moving soon, it's possible a server fuck-up or yes, even a DDOS from a very pissed-off Snoopy happened to coincide with the period of time he'd be unavailable while he moved.
hopefully zoklet stays down and everyone comes here except for the faggot ass zoklet moderators. this site would be good if it had more than 5 people posting
This place is like Sturgiss, once Zoklet is back online, this place's population will decrease by 75%
...I'm not so sure it's coming back this time.
And i was happy to be part of that downfall. With my extensive meth promotion, awkward girl threads, angry trolling, E-thuggin, and bitching about weird health concerns. :thumbsup: lets all sit back as zoklet burns, i gots blunts n rum
you're forgetting about the many who signed up last summer, said "fuck it", and just logged in again now.
i could flip the social mechanics of .info upside down if i wanted to, singlehandedly, thats how small this place is.
What intellect? this place is a fucking ghost town.
i dont live in a ghost town, there are just too many mexicans
unless you were refering to zoklet, to which i say fuck that place
nothing interesting has gone down there since late 2010
PS: TheDarkRodent I always get told that I'm you over there by faggots like Zos and Ate because they hate being told they are failures at life. I get a daily or three times a day PM from them failures all spamming they are gonna ban me because I circumvented an IP ban because I'm TheDarkRodent. Kind of sad really they are so delusional.
EDIT: Honestly I bet Snoopy was mad he got banned for PI spreading and then DDOS'd Zoklet.
the only person thsi could be is like felonious_monk
and if notr, then who si it?
i'm so drunk righ tnow just throw me a boen
Thanks trx100. I do rather enjoy a warm welcome. Sure beats the treatment that most people get from the staff on Zoklet on a day to day basis.
I still think Snoopy DDOS'd Zoklet. Call me crazy but he was saying he was gonna get revenge if he got banned and it happened within days of his banning.
Yeah no problem. That welcome goes to everybody though, we're all chill here and it's cool to see some fresh faces around here
Well I'll take a look around so more but if most Mods are this laid back and don't pop a squat onto a cactus while posting like the Zoklet Mods seem to do, I may end up staying here,
I'm not though. I just hate the same Mods for the same reasons which are their circle jerk and crapping on posters then blame the posters, telling them the door is over there then getting mad at users for saying "Fuck you" when they truly are fed up.
EDIT: I was registered before TheDarkRodent on Zoklet and was gone the whole time he was on Zoklet so I can see why people get confused.
LOL, those morons, I used my VPN and created a half a dozen accounts over there, but I have not posted there since around March.
*unpacks bags*
Even if you were trolling, you spend way too much time online acting like a leftist cliche to not be a loser and you're just trolling yourself. Go and get a hobby.
Chances are it will be wires that does all the explaining.
I have a feeling it's going to get even more real if that place has been shut down for good.
Hah, we're going from suspecting that the Norwegian terrorist is involved to Zok having TTFN'd the site. Think we could all not get worked up and give it a couple days. If I remember right, I do think I recall Zok having mentioned that he'd be moving soon, it's possible a server fuck-up or yes, even a DDOS from a very pissed-off Snoopy happened to coincide with the period of time he'd be unavailable while he moved.