Now when I say all women are whores, that's true, but that doesn't go without saying that some whores have better gigs than others and are more honest about sex as a means of facilitating socio-economic exchange. I'm talking about the ones who are on the game. They're the only women worth spending money on, you get straight to the point and you're paying her to leave. That's it; nothing else is expected, desired or offered. Her personal opinions, no matter how vapid, are simply irrelevant, so it doesn't matter how stupid or shallow she really is. Girlfriends or even your average bar slut ultimately cost much more than prostitutes in terms of time, money, and headaches and don't deliver as much satisfaction. Why go through the trouble to fulfill your needs? Just find yourself a quality ho, plunk down a few sterling, get your load off, and get on with your life. It's a better way to live and you'll be happier that way.
So my question is, who else has just cut the foreplay and frigid games and holla'd at a girl on the corner, gone to the massage parlour or got an escort? I'm unashamed to say that I have and do so regularly, it's a much lighter strain on your finances than you get with any other whore. I'm not really a fan of the street walkers, in my experience they're pushy to get you to go back to their place, which is often shared with dickhead, crackhead or both type housemates. Personally I never took the option to go back, since I was really just paying the bitch to leave.
From my experiences and around my area here it's around £20 for straight sex in the car, but £15 is accepted sometimes. Prices are negotiable, and it's usually an extra £15 if you want to do anything extra. The general rules are no kissing, condom use. If you don't want these then you'll have to pay extra, and it's usually £20-25 this time, but once again it's negotiable. You have to pay extra (£15) for a full strip as well.
They offer a service for around £30 (negotiable) to go back to their place. Be very wary with this choice. Personally I never took a liking to it.
In other cities in my experiences they're all working around the evenings but it gets quieter after midnight.
Best places to go for the cleaner and more professional girls are in the massage parlours as they're tested more regularly, there's less chances of you getting ripped off, mugged or killed as well.
It's more expensive usually at £25 for straight sex in these parlours but still £15 more for the extra services. You have to pay for the full body massage first obviously. It's worth the extra money to keep safer, it's generally more enjoyable too. These women literally put their hands to the talent they're good at.
Street girls saying you can ONLY get a blowjob for £20 are trying to rip you off. The call whores are more expensive than the massage parlours and the ones from the strip clubs. They DEFINITELY charge by the hour also.
Your best bet is definitely the parlours.
You can have an enjoyable experience with a street walker as I've had many with them, however it's riskier than just diseases and robbery, there's undercovers working the known areas now more than ever. You have to be careful. Only go for street walkers if you've got blue balls that are giving you frostbite and if you're strapped for cash.
The cleanest ones you can get are escorts, cleaner than the parlour girls even. There are escorts all on the web, in phoneboxes (yeah, they still have those) and in your telephone book. Look up more on the number, such as the owner; if he's Eastern European or Israeli then you can guarantee it's a professionally ran business and they're tested regularly at the clinics.
Take her wherever you want, she's yours, you're paying her to do whatever you want. I always took em back to my place or to a bar or restuarant first before fucking or just went crusing in my car first. Just have fun with her like you would any other girl on a day out. If you want your moneys worth with an escort (and they are expensive depending on the services you want) then expect to have some extra cash on you as well.
Street hookers can be had in the car or you can pay an extra to go back to her place, it's usually a little bit more expensive than the usual extras fee (usually double). Just fuck her, get pizza, watch TV, cuddle up; do whatever you want, get your moneys worth. I went back to a few street workers a few times, some times were pleasant some weren't because of other people who came in later that she was living with were dickheads. You can get a room booked in advance at a local hotel or motel if you want.
While I'm on the subjects of prostitutes I may as well give my experiences and tips about Venezuela when I've been over there. I should point out they were whites, from Spain. The best looking girls were on the margarita island, but Lips, Calle is ideal for sex tourists. American Bar and revolution strip club were the best place to find them. You can't fuck these places but you can always arrange a date after spending sometime there, as with most strip clubs. Of course it's Venezuela so be very very fucking careful.
If you're not looking for a white girl and are hard as nails then go for a street crawler. Never go down to the beach with them, guaranteed it's a set up and you'll end up with your head severed.
Hookers on the corner no. no!
Escorts and strippers who offer sex in clubs, yeS! :thumbsup:
Usually prices go for
head $60
fuck $100
Escorts are different and base it off time.
like my girl here
so what kind of girl would you fuck, slave
nvermind, I just remembered this other thread. It's latinas, right?
Looking it the local paper, the cheepest is 80 an hour
Might have to become a manwhore at those wadges.
Probably a particularly grotty part of the north or midlands.
"you want happy ending?, go read fairy tale, I just jerk you off"
As can be seen here...
Informative read though. Always wondered about British Prostitution.
Ga ha ha, brilliant. Mine are going to read;
We eat Monopoly
And shit Connect 4
if that made any sense to you,
it is in your best interests that
you contact us
"I just smoked a fucking huge joint:thumbsup::cool:"
I want to say you're only half right, but you're actually not wrong, my part of the Midlands is becoming more and more grotty as they lose sight of more "asylum seekers" and due to pakis fucking their cousins in record numbers.
@RemadE, yeah, those recession specials sure are good.
What an idiot. One day he's gonna get a good askicking for sticking his nose in other people's business and he deserves it too. As long as it's exclusively consenting adults, let 'em do what they want. Although he does have a point in that they should seek more secluded locations to conduct their business transaction.
People have put recent effort into these revent discussions and you necro bumping a dozen or more old threads drops those new threads from the hot topics bar and takes attention away from recent efforts on the part of other members.
Should you ignore this requests your necro posts will be unapproved to maximize the efforts put forth by those who have created new threads.
Why does it matter if a thread is a year old or a day old? It's still content. I never even knew about this thread until now and I found it to be a pretty interesting read. If members are posting in current threads they can check their User CP.
I guess I wonder like... the efforts made by people in the past seem valid to recognize too. They were once new threads also. Should a necrobumper be the only person to take interest in a rez'd thread it'd just die off again, right?
although i am dubious that this is someones troll account
I agree. It's nice to see people posting. I hadn't previously read this thread & also find it an interesting read.