I feel, in my old age, that leet speak is a dying breed of dialect, and that we, as people, need to bring it back, so I am making the first "leet only" thread on the new totse. Enjoy.
I feel, in my old age, that leet speak is a dying breed of dialect and that we as a people, need to bring it back, so I am making the first ‘leet only’ thread on the new Totse. Enjoy
It's actually sad that I could read that so easily
I feel, in my old age, that leet speak is a dying breed of dialect and that we as a people, need to bring it back, so I am making the first ‘leet only’ thread on the new Totse. Enjoy
It's actually sad that I could read that so easily
Cool story, bro.
How the fuck did you read that so well? I could only understand a few words.
It's actually sad that I could read that so easily
btw I think this thread failed for you intentions.
Magic. I'm just really smart, ok?
I beat you.
You'd lose half your bet. I expect $50 via paypal in the near future.
I almost fell over.
Not really, yous cool.