usually a nice fap then the never ending piss starts. the morning wood fap is the best. usually im stumbling out of bed still high and then start looking for porn. definitely the best part of my day.
Sometimes it sucks though. If you have to be out of bed for school or something, it gets annoying just waiting for it to go down. And you can't fap it off, cause you don't have time.
I always fap my morning wood. Sometimes I'm late for work. By morning wood you do mean the wake up boner right? It doesn't necessarily have to be in the morning?
I always fap my morning wood. Sometimes I'm late for work. By morning wood you do mean the wake up boner right? It doesn't necessarily have to be in the morning?
Yeah, wake up boner, morning glory, whatever you want to call it :P
ive never had a problem with making boners go away. just ignore them and they are gone in 20 seconds. morning wood is awesome i just hump the shit out of my bed till im fully awake and choose to fap if i had a good dream.
Depends on where I am at. If I am home I look down and say meh what the hell and rub one out. If I am at a chicks house its sex and if I am at a friends house I just piss that shit away.
Depends on where I am at. If I am home I look down and say meh what the hell and rub one out. If I am at a chicks house its sex and if I am at a friends house I just piss that shit away.
To not get me to fap I usually take a piss (usually this kills my mourning wood) and eat breakfast, while watching t.v. If this doesn't help, I just hang out with friends, but then when I come home I probably suffer from evening wood or night wood. I try to fight it off, but I end up losing. :mad:
Man, mine doesn't go away. It stays that way for a good 10-20 mins and I have to take deep breaths and focus on different things. I avoided fapping but some times it gets annoying.
I am not sure if I would be excited or depressed if somebody named a pony after the name of my morning wood. Aka Jack hammer supreme. I dont know what one I would be but sense its speaking about depression I could just ask namaste and see what she thinks.
it does get the wood to go away tho : ))))
Yeah, wake up boner, morning glory, whatever you want to call it :P
Wait what. Please explain yourself.
When I can't help it, I fap.
To not get me to fap I usually take a piss (usually this kills my mourning wood) and eat breakfast, while watching t.v. If this doesn't help, I just hang out with friends, but then when I come home I probably suffer from evening wood or night wood. I try to fight it off, but I end up losing.
There's always time......
I usually just let it go down on it's own, but if I'm feeling really horny when I wake up then of course I fap it off.
i am now going to attempt to masturbate whilst i pee.
What makes me laugh is that there was a My Little Pony called Morning Glory
That pony is actually named after my morning hard-on. True story.
Its true. I remember watching the documentary on TV regarding your penis, and this pony.