I'm watching one of my favorite youtubers, and he's talking about how silly it is to make fun of people for having what you want.
And it made me think, people do that a lot. And I really don't get it. Like what is the point?
Do you make fun of people for having what you want? (Be honest!)
I don't believe it's something I do a whole lot at this point in my life. I mean, when I get super jealous of someone, I just like turn the anger inwards and I'm mad at myself for it, but like... I don't get mad at that person or anything. I'm not a fan of making fun of people much anyway, to be honest. Idk. I'm definitely not world's nicest person, that's for sure, but like, if I'm mean, I actually feel really bad about it, and so I never do anything I feel is too mean on purpose.
Idk. But I mean, everyone is jealous of something at some point in their life, I would assume. No one has everything they desire in life. They may be happy and fairly content, but I feel like it's just human nature to want more out of life, and so I feel jealousy is a fairly common human emotion. Maybe I'm wrong... idk...
Anger is a great motivator, though. It can be used to one's advantage most of the time.
Yes, yes I do. One of my numerous flaws. >.< Sorry.
I make fun of people for any of the following reasons:
a) They're idiots.
b) Their personalities piss me off.
c) They deserve it.
d) I have nothing better to do.
e) I get paid to do so.
I'm not sure what you're getting at, but I honestly stole the question directly from a youtubers vlog, like word for word, seconds after I heard him say it. I'm just bored. Wondered what people would say. I'm a very jealous person, yes, but I handle jealous in rather odd ways. I'm not lying to anyone. I mean, everyone here should know, I'm pretty honest with myself. I acknowledge a lot of my flaws here openly. But this isn't something I do, or ever recall doing. I know it's not a way I handle my jealous now, but I won't say I've never done it, because maybe I have and just don't remember.
But seriously, you worded your post so that you were the one asking the question, not the guy in the video. So I see your undeniable unconscious need to understand why some people are making fun of you. The answer is as clear as a well polished windshield, but you just refuse to accept it. Instead, you are trying to have people say they make fun of others because of jealousy, and indirectly say that they are jealous of you.
Yes, yes I am.
Oh, that's what you're getting at? Oh, no, seriously, I know most people aren't jealous of me. They have no reason to be. XD You misunderstand. I mean, apart from here, which I honestly could care less about, I don't get made fun of that much, and when I do, I know it's not out of jealousy. I was more curious, because I will admit, I am a RIDICULOUSLY jealous person myself, but I don't see the point in this. I handle it differently, so I was looking to see if anyone did handle it this way, and if they could explain why.
Seriously, dude, I'm sorry I wrote it in a way that was misleading. Just sort of tired.
I know why people make fun of me when they do. It's not some huge mystery.
This. I also agree with your reasons for making fun of people. I want to add "for the lulz" to your list.
You're probably confusing jealousy and envy, anyway. Jealousy is about wanting to possess what you have, i.e. you want to keep a tight leash on your woman.
From wikipedia:
"Envy" and "jealousy" are often used interchangeably, but in correct usage, they stand for two different distinct emotions. In proper usage, jealousy is the fear of losing something that one possesses to another person (a loved one in the prototypical form), while envy is the pain or frustration caused by another person having something that one does not have oneself. Envy typically involves two people, and jealousy typically involves three people.
In any case, I don't get what jealousy has to do with people making fun of you. If they were envious of you that could make sense. If you're jealous of your gf, you want to possess her and you're afraid of losing her, so you might make fun of her or lower her self esteem so she stays with you. That makes sense in a fucked up way, but I don't think that's what you were talking about.
Well, I stole the question almost word for word from a Shaytards vlog, so take it up with Shay Carl, not me. I'm too out of it to be creative, so I just copied that, basically...
So basically you made a retarded thread with no point based on a mistake made by some youtube guy, and to top it off you didn't even understand that he had made a mistake nor did you know what he was even talking about nor did you have any insight of your own to add?
Yes this is correct. That is all. And also STFU
Oh and nam do you wanna go get some coffee sometime. We can talk about your insecurities and your NUMEROUS FLAWS.
Then we can go to the beach and I can throw you in and say I saved this rare whale from extinction.
I was incredibly out of it, so yep. And yep.
You're the most pathetic loser on this whole site. I love it. Everytime you do this, I can't stop smiling. It's hilarious.
i mean, yeah, I said it... you don't need to bold it so people can know... because I admitted it, so it's pointless and stupid to quote it like that.
You're honestly more flawed than I'll ever be, and I'm pretty flawed. Poor pathetic loser, you.
You're getting butthurt via the interweb. Now that's pathetic.
No I'm not. If I had any sort of issue with it, I'd leave. I don't have to come here. But I do, because it's hilarious. But then, when you think about it, it's really, really sad that he has nothing better to do...
What's sadder is that you have nothing better to do than to reply.
This is what you meant to type.
Uh, no. If you seriously think it's funny that he wastes so much time like literally following me around commenting on everything I say with something negative, you're pretty pathetic to. I could understand if it was just every now and then, and it was like a REALLY good insult, but it's like all the time, and none of them are very creative or funny or hurtful at all.
Pathetic to what?
His posts are lulzy whether you think so or not. You're supposed to improve your threads and thus evade his trolling. Apparently you never learned the most important lesson of the interwebz: do not make yourself a target for trolls. If you made good threads people wouldn't troll them as much and you'd get serious replies. Trolling is often a sign you need to improve your posting.
I think trolling is more often a sign that you're someone worth bugging, therefore important, and semi-popular, even if not in a good way. I make more decent threads than a lot of people here, yet they don't get nearly the amount of shit I do. Therefore, the attention really just reinforces my behavior, as I most think it's hilarious anyone would waste so much time giving me attention if they truly disliked me.
Decent threads? If you haven't noticed, all your threads turn into a place for trolls to congregate. All your posts are garbage. Keep it up :thumbsup:
Uh, most of the threads on &T are that way, and mine are much more decent than a good deal of the threads on here.
-Grayfoxe's twin brother.
At least it keeps most of the troll posts in one area!
No, most threads here are either legitimately lulzy or informational. Your threads are neither. They bring nothing to the table.
I post in your garbage threads for two reasons:
1. To participate in any lulzmaking.
2. To increase my post count.
Do you even have eyes? None of the threads created here are really either of those things at all.
Then you need to get two things: a sense of humour and intelligence.
This. Totse is full of hilarious and informational threads.
Either one would be nice. I dont think the world is ready for Namaste humor. It could destroy us all. No that just isnt going to happen.
None of you have any heart.
I used to think this but now I can see that it is not so. If it were so she would certainly have the crowned title of Queen Troll.
Think again. She really does fail this hard.
Reverse trolling??
Makes sense. Moar fun fer us :thumbsup:
Well, sometimes I might see someone who has something that I want, and I just think "...Hey..........I want that."
But that's not jealousy. More like envy I guess. The nuance is different.
I don't make fun of them though. That's just sour grapes, and shit.