Islam is not a state.. But if you mean spread, like every other religion, why not? Christianity was a foreign religion, just because our ancestors were forced to convert over a thousand years ago doesn't make it any more naturally ours. Maybe if we concentrated on educating people they wouldn't invest faith in such silly fantasies.
Yeah except Christianity doesn't say you have to murder woman who show too much skin. Christians dont murder people who portray Muhammad. The simple fact is that Christianity Buddhism even Judaism are compatible with western society. Islam is not. It's ok though I know suffer from the mental illness known as liberalism so your incapable of viewing the world without politically correct goggles on.
Yeah except Christianity doesn't say you have to murder woman who show too much skin. Christians dont murder people who portray Muhammad. The simple fact is that Christianity Buddhism even Judaism are compatible with western society. Islam is not. It's ok though I know suffer from the mental illness known as liberalism so your incapable of viewing the world without politically correct goggles on.
I've said some fairly politically incorrect things, and here's another: Queers like to dress flamboyantly to cause a stir, which is the same reason neo-nazis cover themselves in swastikas. Somewhere far away, a man is laughing. Ta-ra.
Ok fine if we suck so bad then why dont you leave?? Go on to Europe if its so great. Better yet why dont you move to fucking Saudi Arabia because you seem to think Muslims are such a peaceful tolerant bunch. I dont get people like you. You always talk shit about America yet you stay? Go on leave if you hate it? Oh wait no its because you actually love America but saying that wouldn't make you seem cool edgy of revolutionary would it?
I honestly thought you would be more fun to argue with, but you clearly aren't even convinced by your own opinions. Ultimately, your fumble for meaning in right wing ideology is just as pathetic as any suicide bomber, but significantly more annoying.
I honestly thought you would be more fun to argue with, but you clearly aren't even convinced by your own opinions. Ultimately, your fumble for meaning in right wing ideology is just as pathetic as any suicide bomber, but significantly more annoying.
No Im just not a blame america first liberal like you are. Your entire ideology is based on a myth of equality. Like I said to bitterconflict why dont you move to the middle east since there so tolerant and all? Or even just move to Europe.
I already live in Europe. All people are equal, even you, just not all societies. And just because I don't care what Arabs believe doesn't mean I want to live in their medieval countries.
Islam is not a state.. But if you mean spread, like every other religion, why not? Christianity was a foreign religion, just because our ancestors were forced to convert over a thousand years ago doesn't make it any more naturally ours. Maybe if we concentrated on educating people they wouldn't invest faith in such silly fantasies.
Islam is a state you fucking jackass. Try reading a Qu'ran. That goes for DirtySpicchez too, although admittedly while conventional wisdom holds you can't argue against something you don't understand it looks like you've done a pretty good job of it.
I already live in Europe. All people are equal, even you, just not all societies. And just because I don't care what Arabs believe doesn't mean I want to live in their medieval countries.
I thought you Europeans were supposed to be smart?
Islam is a state you fucking jackass. Try reading a Qu'ran. That goes for DirtySpicchez too, although admittedly while conventional wisdom holds you can't argue against something you don't understand it looks like you've done a pretty good job of it.
I read it before I defiled it. I read it to understand Islam then I pissed on it in disgust at what I'd read.
I already live in Europe. All people are equal, even you, just not all societies. And just because I don't care what Arabs believe doesn't mean I want to live in their medieval countries.
Ok so your a euro fag. It makes sense now have fun being Jealous of America:)
Ok fine if we suck so bad then why dont you leave?? Go on to Europe if its so great. Better yet why dont you move to fucking Saudi Arabia because you seem to think Muslims are such a peaceful tolerant bunch. I dont get people like you. You always talk shit about America yet you stay? Go on leave if you hate it? Oh wait no its because you actually love America but saying that wouldn't make you seem cool edgy of revolutionary would it?
I love America, but the stereotypes in America make me lol. America is the best country in the world and any country outside doesn't even matter.
On the other hand, America is just as corrupt as any other country in the world. It's just individualism separates our country from the others and I respect that.
In fact we are the people who make and shape America today. There was this SouthPark episode about the Declaration of Independence and it made a point about democrats and republicans not getting along, but in the end it turns out if it weren't for these point of views America won't even be created or at least pertain to our individual rights.
No Im just not a blame america first liberal like you are. Your entire ideology is based on a myth of equality. Like I said to bitterconflict why dont you move to the middle east since there so tolerant and all? Or even just move to Europe.
I'm not a Democrat either. I'm a Liberal Republican. lololol
I get what you're saying though, but it can't always be all or nothing type of deal.
I love America, but the stereotypes in America make me lol. America is the best country in the world and any country outside doesn't even matter.
On the other hand, America is just as corrupt as any other country in the world. It's just individualism separates our country from the others and I respect that.
In fact we are the people who make and shape America today. There was this SouthPark episode about the Declaration of Independence and it made a point about democrats and republicans not getting along, but in the end it turns out if it weren't for these point of views America won't even be created or at least pertain to our individual rights.
We definantly do have corruption nobody can deny that. But can you deny that our principals of Freedom and the constitution are not the best in the world? I dont even have a problem with Democrats of even the Clinton variety. What I hate are these progressive social Marxists that Obama and Pelosi are part of. There destroying America. I agree too that a lot of republicans are no better than democrats that's why I support the tea party overall. I think Republicans like Reagan Nixon Bush and Lincoln are what the party needs to return to.
Matthew 5:22
But I say to you that everyone who is angry with his brother shall be guilty before the court; and whoever says to his brother, 'You good-for-nothing,' shall be guilty before the supreme court; and whoever says, 'You fool,' shall be guilty enough to go into the fiery hell.
Matthew 5:22
But I say to you that everyone who is angry with his brother shall be guilty before the court; and whoever says to his brother, 'You good-for-nothing,' shall be guilty before the supreme court; and whoever says, 'You fool,' shall be guilty enough to go into the fiery hell.
You better watch what you say, fool
The war against Islam is a "Just war" meaning it isn't one waged out of selfish desire but out of defense of God Race and Country. So depending on your view speaking out against Islam can is justified.
A white man in a place filled with (sand)niggers? That's a recipe for gangrape.
If you read the link you'd see that everyone was white In the middle east back then until the true Israelis migrated to Europe. Thats when the muds took over the middle east.
If you read the link you'd see that everyone was white In the middle east back then until the true Israelis migrated to Europe. Thats when the muds took over the middle east.
WE BELIEVE in an existing being known as the Devil or Satan and called the Serpent (Gen. 3:1; Rev. 12:9), who has a literal "seed" or posterity in the earth (Gen. 3:15) commonly called Jews today (Rev. 2:9; 3:9; Isa. 65:15). These children of Satan (John 8:44-47; Matt. 13:38; John 8:23) through Cain (I John 2:22, 4:3) who have throughout history always been a curse to true Israel, the Children of God, because of a natural enmity between the two races (Gen. 3:15), because they do the works of their father the Devil (John 8:38-44), and because they please not God, and are contrary to all men (I Thes. 2:14-15), though they often pose as ministers of righteousness (II Cor. 11:13-15). The ultimate end of this evil race whose hands bear the blood of our Savior (Matt. 27:25) and all the righteous slain upon the earth (Matt. 23:35), is Divine judgment (Matt. 13:38-42, 15:13; Zech. 14:21).
WE BELIEVE God chose unto Himself a special race of people that are above all people upon the face of the earth (Deut. 7:6; Amos 3:2). These children of Abraham through the called-out seedline of Isaac and Jacob (Psalm 105:6; Rom. 9:7) were to be a blessing to all the families of the earth who bless them and a cursing to those that curse them (Gen. 12.3). The descendants of the twelve sons of a Jacob, called "Israel", were married to God (Isa. 54:5), have not been cast away (Rom. 11:1-2), have been given the adoption, glory, covenants, law, service of God, and promises; are the ones to whom the messiah came (Rom. 9:4-5) electing out of all twelve tribes those who inherit the Kingdom of God (Rev. 7:4, 21:12).
WE BELIEVE the White, Anglo-Saxon, Germanic and kindred people to be God's true, literal Children of Israel. Only this race fulfills every detail of Biblical Prophecy and World History concerning Israel and continues in these latter days to be heirs and possessors of the Covenants, Prophecies, Promises and Blessings YHVH God made to Israel. This chosen seedline making up the "Christian Nations" (Gen. 35:11; Isa. 62:2; Acts 11:26) of the earth stands far superior to all other peoples in their call as God's servant race (Isa. 41:8, 44:21; Luke 1:54). Only these descendants of the 12 tribes of Israel scattered abroad (James 1:1; Deut. 4:27; Jer. 31:10; John 11:52) have carried God's Word, the Bible, throughout the world (Gen. 28:14; Isa. 43:10-12, 59:21), have used His Laws in the establishment of their civil governments and are the "Christians" opposed by the Satanic Anti-Christ forces of this world who do not recognize the true and living God (John 5:23, 8:19, 16:2-3).
WE BELIEVE that the Man Adam (a Hebrew word meaning: ruddy, to show Blood, flush, turn rosy) is father of the White Race only. As a son of God (Luke 3:38), made in His likeness (Gen. 5:1), Adam and his descendants, who are also the children of God (Psalm 82:6; Hos. 1:10; Rom. 8:16; Gal. 4:6; I John 3:1-2), can know YHVH God as their creator. Adamic man is made trichotomous, that is, not only of body and soul, but having an implanted spirit (Gen. 2:7; I Thes. 5:23; Heb. 4:12) giving him a higher form of consciousness and distinguishing him from all the other races of the earth (Deut. 7:6, 10:15; Amos 3:2).
WE BELIEVE that as a chosen race, elected by God (Deut. 7:6, 10:15; I Peter 2:9), we are not to be partakers of the wickedness of this world system (I John 2:15; James 4:4; John 17/9, 15, 16), but are called to come out and be a separated people (II Cor. 6:17; Rev. 18:4; Jer. 51:6; Exodus 33:16; Lev. 20:24). This includes segregation from all non-white races, who are prohibited in God's natural divine order from ruling over Israel (Deut. 17:15, 28:13, 32:8; Joel 2:17; Isa. 13:14; Gen. 1:25-26; Rom. 9:21). Race-mixing is an abomination in the sight of Almighty God, a satanic attempt meant to destroy the chosen seedline, and is strictly forbidden by His commandments (Exo. 34:14-16; Num. 25:1-13; I Cor. 10:8/ Rev. 2:14; Deut. 7:3-4; Joshua 23:12-13; I Kings 11:1-3; Ezra 9:2, 10-12; 10:10-14; Neh. 10:28-30, 13;3, 27; Hosea 5;7; Mal. 2:11-12).
You can check up on those passages of the bible if you dont believe it.
It gives you biblical passages to go on. The bible is a historically accurate document. The miracles and prophecy's of the bible have all been recorded.
It gives you biblical passages to go on. The bible is a historically accurate document. The miracles and prophecy's of the bible have all been recorded.
Recorded != accurate. Many ancient texts are known to have exaggerations. The bible is a book of stories handed down and compiled since ancient times. Ever played that game in school where you form a chain and one person starts whispering something and it ends up totally different? What actually was and what is written can be entirely different stories.
Fuck religion, it's bullshit
Fuck god, he's an asshole
First off Im not a trololol second George Carlin is now in hell as we speak. And Mayberry the Bible was recorded by people who didn't even know each other yet they all told the same story? Look at the book of revelation it's coming true in todays times and you still deny it's truth.
First off Im not a trololol second George Carlin is now in hell as we speak. And Mayberry the Bible was recorded by people who didn't even know each other yet they all told the same story? Look at the book of revelation it's coming true in todays times and you still deny it's truth.
I'm assuming you're using the gospels as an example. The people who wrote them may not have known each other, but that doesn't mean they couldn't have written about the same thing. I'm sure if there was a Jesus, more than one person would've known about him. Plus they were written so long ago that as they were passed on, similarities in their stories converged. Out of possibly millions of texts in biblical times, only tens were selected to be compiled into the Bible. They were selected due to their content in furthering a group's beliefs. Contradictory texts definitely exist, and who has the truth? There is no way of knowing.
Revelations is written quite vaguely. It's like reading Nostradamus. The text is so vague that there are so many ways of interpreting it that you can apply it to everything. There is no truth, only what you decide to correlate the words with.
Strictly speaking, I shouldn't be wasting the keystrokes on a dolt such as yourself, but there is a difference between nation and state. Try reading a book, genius.
Strictly speaking, I shouldn't be wasting the keystrokes on a dolt such as yourself, but there is a difference between nation and state. Try reading a book, genius.
Yeah except Christianity doesn't say you have to murder woman who show too much skin. Christians dont murder people who portray Muhammad. The simple fact is that Christianity Buddhism even Judaism are compatible with western society. Islam is not. It's ok though I know suffer from the mental illness known as liberalism so your incapable of viewing the world without politically correct goggles on.
I think Amerikkka is a pretty cool guy, eh encourages racism and doesn't afraid of anything.
I love and hate America at the same time.
Racism is just a scheme to rule the world.
I've said some fairly politically incorrect things, and here's another: Queers like to dress flamboyantly to cause a stir, which is the same reason neo-nazis cover themselves in swastikas. Somewhere far away, a man is laughing. Ta-ra.
America is the greatest country in the world. All the country's that hate America are just jealous that there not Americans.
Ok fine if we suck so bad then why dont you leave?? Go on to Europe if its so great. Better yet why dont you move to fucking Saudi Arabia because you seem to think Muslims are such a peaceful tolerant bunch. I dont get people like you. You always talk shit about America yet you stay? Go on leave if you hate it? Oh wait no its because you actually love America but saying that wouldn't make you seem cool edgy of revolutionary would it?
No Im just not a blame america first liberal like you are. Your entire ideology is based on a myth of equality. Like I said to bitterconflict why dont you move to the middle east since there so tolerant and all? Or even just move to Europe.
Islam is a state you fucking jackass. Try reading a Qu'ran. That goes for DirtySpicchez too, although admittedly while conventional wisdom holds you can't argue against something you don't understand it looks like you've done a pretty good job of it.
I thought you Europeans were supposed to be smart?
I read it before I defiled it. I read it to understand Islam then I pissed on it in disgust at what I'd read.
Ok so your a euro fag. It makes sense now have fun being Jealous of America:)
I love America, but the stereotypes in America make me lol. America is the best country in the world and any country outside doesn't even matter.
On the other hand, America is just as corrupt as any other country in the world. It's just individualism separates our country from the others and I respect that.
In fact we are the people who make and shape America today. There was this SouthPark episode about the Declaration of Independence and it made a point about democrats and republicans not getting along, but in the end it turns out if it weren't for these point of views America won't even be created or at least pertain to our individual rights.
I'm not a Democrat either. I'm a Liberal Republican.
I get what you're saying though, but it can't always be all or nothing type of deal.
We definantly do have corruption nobody can deny that. But can you deny that our principals of Freedom and the constitution are not the best in the world? I dont even have a problem with Democrats of even the Clinton variety. What I hate are these progressive social Marxists that Obama and Pelosi are part of. There destroying America. I agree too that a lot of republicans are no better than democrats that's why I support the tea party overall. I think Republicans like Reagan Nixon Bush and Lincoln are what the party needs to return to.
I'm smarter than you:o I'm smarter than all you:o
New American Standard edition.
But I say to you that everyone who is angry with his brother shall be guilty before the court; and whoever says to his brother, 'You good-for-nothing,' shall be guilty before the supreme court; and whoever says, 'You fool,' shall be guilty enough to go into the fiery hell.
You better watch what you say, fool
The war against Islam is a "Just war" meaning it isn't one waged out of selfish desire but out of defense of God Race and Country. So depending on your view speaking out against Islam can is justified.
I bought it.
So you gave money to terrorists.
It was for sale at a good will for like a dollars so the money went to them instead of Muslims.
Good. You can never be too careful with these sort of things.
Read this and you'll see that isnt true.
If you read the link you'd see that everyone was white In the middle east back then until the true Israelis migrated to Europe. Thats when the muds took over the middle east.
Link to the specific article plx.
Theres links in my post in that thread.
Yes, but you're more familiar with all this stuff than I am. I have no idea where to find where it says that the middle east used to be white.
Read the section on what Is CI and the Serpent seedline. This is another good CI link.
WOT has a really bad rating for it
But still, link me to the specific text that says middle easterners used to be white. I cannot find it if you give me the entire website.
WOT gives bad ratings to all websites that are seen as "racist".
Paste the exact text here, there's quite a bit and still hard to find.
Edit: Actually, no need. I didn't find it, but I saw that everything starts with 'WE BELIEVE.' That is not proof.
You can check up on those passages of the bible if you dont believe it.
It gives you biblical passages to go on. The bible is a historically accurate document. The miracles and prophecy's of the bible have all been recorded.
Fuck religion, it's bullshit
Fuck god, he's an asshole
Recorded != accurate. Many ancient texts are known to have exaggerations. The bible is a book of stories handed down and compiled since ancient times. Ever played that game in school where you form a chain and one person starts whispering something and it ends up totally different? What actually was and what is written can be entirely different stories.
First off Im not a trololol second George Carlin is now in hell as we speak. And Mayberry the Bible was recorded by people who didn't even know each other yet they all told the same story? Look at the book of revelation it's coming true in todays times and you still deny it's truth.
I'm assuming you're using the gospels as an example. The people who wrote them may not have known each other, but that doesn't mean they couldn't have written about the same thing. I'm sure if there was a Jesus, more than one person would've known about him. Plus they were written so long ago that as they were passed on, similarities in their stories converged. Out of possibly millions of texts in biblical times, only tens were selected to be compiled into the Bible. They were selected due to their content in furthering a group's beliefs. Contradictory texts definitely exist, and who has the truth? There is no way of knowing.
Revelations is written quite vaguely. It's like reading Nostradamus. The text is so vague that there are so many ways of interpreting it that you can apply it to everything. There is no truth, only what you decide to correlate the words with.
Strictly speaking, I shouldn't be wasting the keystrokes on a dolt such as yourself, but there is a difference between nation and state. Try reading a book, genius.
Islam is a religion and state all in one.