You don't have to get caught. Just do the deed, then make them disappear. And try younger, 16 wouldn't even be worth it. Girls that age are already loose as hell. :thumbsdown:
This game missed it's mark. They waited too long and wasn't even worth it. The game looks like shit. This should have been an abandoned project. This game did manage to remain a Duke Nukem game, the graphics and game play are outdated. The only challenging part of the game is getting through it without tossing it out the…
Sports, yeah blacks are better. They were bred that way. To be strong and fast. Not sure if you meant to but a comma between culture and family. Culture of what? Drugs and gangs, "Fuck the police" and "Where is my handouts?". Family? Negro males don't even stick around to raise their "gifts to society" and crack addicted…