MayorofMonkeytown · Regular


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  • I dont use TOR i just use backtrack and leech the fuck out of other peoples interwebs.
  • Hey dude im legit. If people dont want me here i'll leave - but please leave the poll to be the decider. Edit: Background: I pm'd TDR to give him the heads up that i was going to make a poll because im getting mixed messages about how my contribution is apprecciated here. The stipulation being that if i lost the poll i…
  • That is not a real answer. And if it is the effects would be devastating - no responsibility to protect wild nature from human populations? No moral responsbility to clean up an oil spill; no reason against logging and strip mining the amazon. Think about the implications here - we clearly have a responsibility to the…
  • Which is a fair point; but does that mean we have no repsonsibility to defend wild animals from the effects of human population? Where do we draw the line with our responsibility - do i have responsibility to care for another pet owners irresponsible breeding? If my pure bred animal gets pregnant accidentally from some…
  • Just adding a "." after each word would have the desired effect. edit: not EVERY word, just "Read. Know. Do."
  • See this sort of stuff worries me because I %100 believed i was making a useful and insightful contribution to the thread. I think this is exactly the sort of space where a post rating system would come in useful because Im not looking for an argument here; im asserting a reasonable point and i dont think that i was overly…
  • I went scuba diving in the whitsundays and Fuarrrrrrrk the giant trevally there scared the shit out of me. You'd need some heavy game to pull that out of the water; they're fast as well.
  • I'll ignore your disparaging comments and focus on the topic at hand. Off topic posting and flaming is against the community rules as I am now aware after being referred to them several times. The question clearly states "using" not "prefer" and the opening post: I dont think i'm straying far from the intended meaning of…
  • Its a fucking sad state of affairs. In the old days when you saw a funeral procession you'd stand still and take off your hat. Now people honk and try to overtake the funeral processions. Life is cheap. Life has gotten so cheap that people literally celeberate the death of others.
  • And despite being hated on for bringing up the arguments and reasoning behind how this happened in the first place it looks like its led to an interesting discussion that is drawing from elements of the classic ehtnocentric vs ecocentric battle. Edit: And we're managing to do it without HERP KILL ALL LIFE IM xxxEDGYxxx…
  • Bammmp. Question asked which theme they were using not which theme they prefer. Correlation does not imply causality. I'm using the new theme but i dont prefer it - others may decide to revert back to classic in a week or so also. I havent changed from the new one because I'm too lazy to change it back to classic. But it…
  • As long as people who arent liked dont get all jelly and mad about it that wont happen. And if it is a simple UNRANKED, NO WANK NUMBER - like theres 3 or so classes you can be, and you're either good, mediocre or bad. Too easy. Not enough room for a wankfest. In my experience though people tend to be highly jellymad. I do…
  • Precisely why we need a rating system. We got one guy here saying that this thread is terrible and insulting jehsiboi while the actual thread itself is nothing but positive replies. With the rating system people the prevailing ratings would be the indicator of true popularity amongst the user base. Not a circle jerk - but…
  • They were at the Seoul competition; long time ago. Its an award winning concept - but we dont have materials that can adapt to this use.
  • I said AFAIK because I've seen the image before a few years ago and if the same image is still floating around (and still clearly not a functioning model) then im guessing that it never got made. are the designers. Seriously the amount of time and creativity it would take to overcome the…
  • I dont think they even park in gear..... The vast majority of cars there a manuals also.
  • So would the designers. Its not a working model right now AFAIK it never actually made it past the drawing board. It'd be a difficult concept to make for a few reasons. You need to be able to both zero the scales and have a flush, robust and waterproof body while maintaining sensitivity. A very challenging project.
  • It lives but no idea if the servers are still active
  • Its seriously a superior way to park. Paris is very flat, and very crowded. It makes good sense for the community to do things that way - and people can relax about little scuffs on their car.
  • Testing ability to quote the new post settings Edit: I dont know if this is useful or not
  • Which has happened to me before - Gold can still vanish if you arent careful about where its kept.
  • Oh man I forgot about invasion day. What a load of shit. They completely miss the point by protesting the celeberation of federation rather than the anniversary of the colony being founded. I remeber having some mad arguments all through high school social studies classes where they try to cram that sort of cultural…
  • Also there is a chance that they wont default - there is the agreement due soon that has funds committed to it; its just not enough. China has already given assistance to Italy in exchange for special trade priviliges and theres more where that came from. China will stay on board if the Euros pledge their gold as…
  • Shhhhh; we still need their tourist; university or investment dollars. And then NO VISA. SORRY GUYS JUST CHECKED AGAIN - YEP, STILL FULL.
  • I'm in the process of liquidating my share portfolio - but ive been doing that alot lately. Its sad because i'll miss it a lot but I dont want to have that percentage of my wealth stored in stocks when the euro crunch happens. The perth mint is the place to be when it does; God damn I love Australia.
  • There was no rating system on origional totse - they removed postcounts because that became a defacto ranking. A simple scale that doesnt involve 'HERP UPVOTE ME' or 'IMMA DOWNVOTE YOU' and instead just has a simple 'green', 'yellow' or 'red' colour to indicate if the poster should be taken seriously will be needed when…
  • If you want to know why central banks still own gold as a reserve asset - and why gold makes up over 70% of official reserves for the US, Germany, France, and Italy - Its because gold is money and gives you magic powers.
  • I turn off autocorrect so i can send all my sms's in CAPSLOCK and it WRNG SPLLNG
  • Negativity gets downvoted
  • Or you can do it and not lock your car in one place so people can park better.
  • I need no encouragement to make 5 star rated posts. Excellence is a habit. Very much so. But if it goes from being a numerical measurable thing to a simple 'yes, maybe or no' sort of scale that would be less likely to happen.
  • Ok. Generosity noted. Seriously i do try to post on topic though. Like %100 do.
  • I might not be EXACTLY the type of member but I firmly believe that if we implemented a post rating system i would have huge positive feedback.
  • I'm the resident go play baller player player hero. I post exclusively on this totse. But its not actually a totse and doesnt seek to be. Act accordingly. edit: I also post on worldstarhiphop
  • >2011 >Young people >Reading >Learning Idontthinksotim.jpg
  • Im not trying to be negative here, but a thread about a cat dying shouldnt be a positive one. Im pointing out that this kind of brutality is an extension of the everyday violence that people seem to accept. I suppose that is a negative though in that it is a depressing topic - but if you think positively to try and…
  • You got me thinking. If someone is making the decision to use the system that is by far the least popular yet also the most efficient - that guy is going to be wearing some shorts, socks and sandals when if leaves the house. Again i reiterate that this is in no way a disparaging remark to linux users.
  • As if that wasnt a legit post!!! Even slardi gave it props and it was his thread.
  • Oi that deserved its own thread Edit: There is a clear line between specific and general advice - AND NEVER THE TWO SHALL MEET
  • I am disapointed. I thought this was going to be a thread making jokes about linux users. Kinda like: Not that i have anything against linux users whatsoever. I just think the whole mac/pc/linux stereotype jokes are funny.
  • I have the urge to chase and jump on trains if i've just slightly missed one. You know, jump into the gap between carriages and just go through the door. I'm absolutely sure I could make it - but doing it once would mean i'd do it again. And of the 1000 times i would try to do it; i'd only need to fuck up once to regret it.
  • And at the risk of sounding like the above i'll start. Things have to die as a part of life. It is a law of nature to die. Throwing the animals to their death is a sad act - but would it be animal cruelty if the dog was swimming and it just so happened a shark came and ate it? This makes me think about how people view…
  • And the age of American imperialism draws closer to an end. The empire is falling people.
  • For me it is really disturbing what happened when that vote didnt pass. They know that the people, the people they claim to represent - will vote to leave the EU. They are avoiding allowing the people to have their voices heard. Literally. It is seriously dark days for england.
  • Depends on the conditions. Soft powdery snow you can build into a wide variety of shapes; its not very dense so you can make all sorts of fun shapes by crunching it together and then smooth it off. Slushy snow like you get on the Australian alps you'd need to make a pyramid style snowman because it wont happen any other…
  • Man.... As if you wouldnt have PTSD after going through shit like that on a daily basis.
  • The ironing is delicious. The best part of the news websites is when people post comments on the stories and they're completely derranged. But i think that it is very very sad that this young girl has suffered; i would post a comment of condolences.
  • Yeah i wouldnt of ever gotten it before seeing the pic. Does TDR have a cat on him most of the day? When written down that question sounds silly but i am asking it in seriousness.