I wrote to the PM when I was 13. Well everybody in the youth project thing (that the government was condemning) I was at did a letter and mine was best somehow so it got sent out. Got a reply months later and it wasn't the PM, it was just some dude who didn't do shit.
Never considered doing liquor plus healthier shit. Thought I was doing so good putting away vodka + coke instead of 12 beers, but then did the math and realised it wasn't much better. :facepalm: I'm gonna start experimenting with juices and anything a little lighter. Gonna be hitting the running and weights with my…
Hi, I'm Fuck, occasional lurker of the old totse, just starting out posting in the new. Really surprised nobody took this username before me. But yes, hello!
I don't think it's really an avenue worth going down looking for profit (the same as most gambling) unless you are the bookie - and have many years experience day to day of wins and losses.
Another drive thru related one for McDonald's, etc, [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=27NX_MMIkLY"]watch this[/ame] Pretend you forgot your wallet or some shit, drive between the windows, keep an eye on the car behind, when they're finished drive to the 2nd window and recieve lunch. Some other ideas: Have a friend who…