greenspam2012 · Semo-Regulars


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  • That's harsh. He wasn't dead when I posted it. just the asshole who shot him.. or a "Nice guy who flipped out". I really believe more and more people are being drugged. But the officer was taken off life support 3-4 hours ago California time (My area) it's 10pm now I think he was taken off around 6pm (The officer). so both…
  • I had desktop captures, I had desktop captures of totse and old dialup prntscrn. all deleted by a guy name lucas. But I have some stuff on a disc sent to someone I know years ago. He has it still. I'm in a seperation of sort with spouse. I became to obsessed. not a joke. and i have videos of some planes that were of…
  • It's good you're walking outside, I havn't been able to workout much other than leg lifts (due to an injury). I was going to suggest a stairmaster and some 8 pound weights to use. you could use 25 pounders but it will wear you out pretty fast, those small weights will get your Heart rate up when lifting them above your…
  • PS that photo is the guy who shot the cop, not the officer.
  • Well he is making big time money right now..that's why. I thought ZoK ran this site. This and Zoklet. MIC (wait..jeff..nm) took the name over? Solid cover;I'm sure. As for the UFO gif file.. it's out there Not suggesting.. Stating fact.. so I guess Yes or Yes to the followup correction of your question!
  • oh.. I see.. the MIC is telling military to drop threats to coverup monies made?
  • What I love is I know Archive bought out waybackmachine.. or was it the other way around? and how totse in 2001 suddenly went from the spider showing search dates throughout the entire year to may-sept (or sept 26) suddenly showing no activity... during the time the threatening post in detail of how 9-11-01 was going to go…