So, with the persistent heat we've had here in the northeast, the wild raspberry plants have fruited a tad bit early. Got lucky and managed to get a decent haul before the animals took everything. There are still a ton of unripe ones, hopefully they'll be good to go within a day or 2.
They taste awesome, a little more bitter than regular raspberries. The dark, overripe ones melt in your mouth, it's awesome:D
think I'll make a wild raspberry smoothie later.

(there are a lot more in there than it looks)
nom nom nom
I can't seem to find them around here, but fuck they're delicious. I want to make jam with them sometime, maybe try to make a pie.
Bomb as fuck. Love them. You can make good tea with the leaves too.
There's this one old logging road near my cottage that's just lined with raspberry bushes, you can walk up one side for 15 minutes, back down the other side, and have more berries than you'd know what to do with.
Today's haul - only about an eighth (max!) of what I estimate is there! plus I think there's a blueberry bush further past the brambles.
Besides the smoothie what else are you using them for?
i dunno, maybe incorporate them into some baked goods?
Hell, I found what I believe to be a 30 year old Farkleberry in mah yard not too long ago.
Do note they can and do reproduce through suckers. Wait 'till spring and dig on of the new young shoots coming out of the ground or wait 'till winter and jack a dormant older one.
If I drove up to Harriman State Park, I bet I'd find thousands of berries.
I'll trade you a blackberry sucker for a raspberry sucker