Cast your vote on whether or not Youtube sigs should be disabled. This should be an official poll so that we can get a community decision on what actions need to be taken (if any). It's fairly exploitable, slows down the site for not only members with shitty connections but also increases the site loading times. Not to mention they look really out of place.
On the other hand, they're funny and occasionally interesting. Fatty's sig also has a good song in
Fucking this!
I have no problem with them as long as there no fucking auto play.
You are officially the only person with a youtube sig that's made me laugh.
You can't take them away, it's my god given right to play YouTube videos in my signature.
lol Currently 10 votes to 2
Aye, loving Noscript right now
These two issues are the big ones. Nobody gives a shit if you find a video to be funny/interesting/whatever. Put it in IFIOTW if it's that important.
I cannot fucking stand that stupid video that Hellish has in his signature. It's just ugly and big and serves no purpose.
But on zoklet the signatures were abused within the first three weeks, here it took months for people to realize they could do that.
Does that mean we are more mature or are we just stupid? :hai:
Probably more mature. Why the hell would anyone want to make the place look retarded by placing a hueg Youtube video in their sig? One thing I can't stand on forums is when there are huge images/videos/userbars in everyone's sig. It's so distracting!