Both sections are open but new description is added. SG is now a semi-serious section.
We cut down our forums from 74+ to around 34. We're entering a new Era here and it seems the model we used once we started was flawed. The forum layout and sections were meant for the Totse of 2005/2007 not 2010. It seems we didn't really move on fast enough.
After some thought provoking threads, I finally decided to move on and get things done. Cut everything down, starting from forum sections and then to Mods. Anyone who was inactive, didn't contribute was axed.
Now, I am stuck between HB, B&M and SG. HB is a hybrid of SG and B&M. And right now it doesn't really fall in line with anything. We're not that active and we don't really have enough users to worry about quality being degraded because it's already degraded thanks to other sections and lack of control.
Now, since there are Hb and SG lovers all around, I thought it would be wise to just ask them first.
What I want is to remove HB and merge it SG. We will reduce some limits on SG but overall, it will make it easier to get things going.
When we're big enough we can expand the forums.
Thoughts etc.
Oh, you will see new rules and policies enforced shortly. The aim here is to grow up and stop living in the past.
Or you can merge/integrate HB into other forums, and it will be completely contrary to everything you've been spewing the last day or so.:thumbsdown:
This is what I am saying...
That's due to a lack of moderation/direction....pretty much what got us into this mess of "lack of quality" from the beginning.
Seriously folks.....you've tried the slobber fest for literally YEARS now(counting Zoklet and the failed Zok led latter years of Totse)....how much harm would come out of at least giving a Slobber-Free_Website a try for a couple weeks, or a month or two?
Why do some of you folks NEEEEEEDDDDD to 4-chan all over the internet, when you can simply go to 4-chan and slobber to your hearts content there?????
Witness the request for commentary from the admin?
Now then you insecure little twat.....how many pages do you want to derail THIS discussion with your never ending grudges, all the while your handlers continue to espouse the point that your type of "leadership"(?) is needed here?
This isn't a complaint thread. He meant that. I added a poll. Stick to the topic at hand, I don't have time to read pages on pages.
That's why I didn't ask when merging sections, I just did it.
You asked for thoughts on merging SG and HB, and I'm giving you HONEST COMMENTARY.
Really Dfg....your little faggot buddy's hand needs to be held this badly, you are really going to shit on you own sincerity just to side with him?
ELL OH FUCKIN ELL @ how everything is "changing" around here. :rolleyes:
Go buy a god-damn mirror then......because you are REALLY missing a lot in your own backyard. :facepalm:
Will you STFU already punk?
You're not helping any way, so stop being a side show.
ELL OH ELL @ you of all people on this website calling me a punk.
How about this Dfg, if you didn't want any sincere or honest commentary about this idea....why didn't you just make an announcement instead of asking for people's thoughts?
Or why don't you type in extra verbiage...."anyone that wants to agree with my idea can pat me on the back, but negative comments aren't welcome"?
Or is your butthurt just as badly as Rodent's at this point......all you have to do is type in "Thoughts-except for DaGuru because his takes are too accurate and poignant", and THAT will be enough to shelter your ego from honest analysis or productive criticism?
And if I don't shut up and continue to make TOPICAL AND ACCURATE commentary on the discussion you brought to the table, then what? You gonna throw one of your qualified(?) mods on me, and infract me again for having a disagreeing opinion?
Oh. Noes. Not. Again. :facepalm:
Shut up PUNK...this has already been decided. HOW DARE YOU ADD YOUR OPINION to this discussion!!!!!!!!?!?!?!!?! :eek:
You're not adding anything ITT except bickering. I added a poll, vote on it and stop extending the page.
And if you don't shut up, I will just ignore you like the rest do?
Kindly keep your drama tactics out of this.
I would prefer not keeping HB but it will only flood SG with useless shit and then NIMF would turn into HB which isn't a valid solution.
SG is now semi serious section and HB is a freestyle section but with limitations.
So let me get this right....your latest flavor-of-the-week idea is to "improve" content and limit all the stupidity, but then you are offended when people actually give thought provoking discussion when asked?
This isn't bickering, this is my legitimate and sincere thoughts on the subject (something most people know I've been saying since 2007 or so)...but because it doesn't agree with you and its MY name in the screen name box you want to turn it more into something that it isn't.
Really and truly, how can you claim to want to manage a thought provoking "discussion board" and be so fragile towards differing thoughts than yours?
Shut up PUNK.....your opinion isn't needed here. Just click the poll option that suits you and move your ass along....this thread has no need or use for *GASP* discussion.
I already added the changes. This ends Phase I.
I am going to take a break and start Phase II, which will address other issues.
But if someone starts a bitching thread or a serious discussion in HB, would it have to be moved?
Shut up PUNK! There's no need for opin----....errrrr, ummmm. I'm sorry Vozhde, that was actually a question.....carry on as you were, as I still think THOSE are still appropriate for this thread. :cool:
Shut up PUNK!!!!! There's no need for commentary of any kind. Just click the box you find most comforting in the poll, and have a pleasant day.
You've yet to vote in the poll, DG. So, shut up, click a box and have a pleasant day yourself.
Stop being FATTY Version 2. This is a semi-serious section now. Kindly, control your ego.
I want the bitching to move ot B&M for now. Mostly to get the flow moving. Once we have enough members we can expand things as required. But right now, keep the bitching to B&M.
I have no problem with that. It only makes sense to bitch in a forum dedicated to bitching. I'm just saying that the ridiculousness of HB should be allowed so long as it remains in HB, which is why I voted to keep both and make SG semi-serious.
I could not agree more.
That question is essentially like asking penguins whether they'd like the ice caps to melt.
Got it. I will make the change.
As well, I feel that the new content of the descriptions comes off more as a set of rules as compared to what the forum is truly about.
The rules should be enforced regardless, if one does not take the time to read the rules, it is a moderator's prerogative to move the thread to its rightful location.