if your hairs that long and you fuck it up to the point where you have to shave it then your blind, lol i dunno...that wont happen, if you fuck it up just cut it a bit shorter so its even. and the front depends on what you want, if you want it to be even with your eyebrows, then cut it all in one go...even if you want it…
I don't think it'l be hard at all, esp if what you mainly want to do is cut off the split ends, just take your time, don't rush and do small portions at a time, once you get used to it you can do it fast but for now, go slow and start on one side, and move towards the other, don't just cut randomly all over the place...…
I've got a lot in my garden tomatoes green onions radish hot peppers cabbage few types of lettuce cucumbers dill raspberry's red current black currant white grapes and more including flowers, I just can't remember right now...If I'm not feeling lazy later I'll take some pics and post.
I've never been to the barber in my life, my dad used to cut it when I was a kid and eventually I started cutting it myself, it was a bit of a challenge at first, doing everything in reverse using 2 mirrors but now people always tell me it looks like I went somewhere expensive to get it cut...start cutting ur own shit, its…
Great show, I just started watching it a few weeks ago, I usually hate any type of reality TV but this one is great, it's very interesting seeing all the old treasures people bring in.
great fuckin thread. last game I finished was donkey kong country, decided to pull out the ol snes,...before that was red dead redemption, and before that mgs4, for the 8 or 9th time....before that i played some vice city again...and before that was ocarina of time....and before that... :o
I appreciate this thread since I haven't seen some of these movies and will check them out based on the recommendation... but I'm a little skeptical because GI Joe rise of the cobra is in there, which in my opinion was just fuckin terrible...u really liked it???
haha ya I've seen parts of that movie, shit was terrible.... Last movie I watched was Rad, lol....80's BMX movie, it was cheesy as hell, but great. I would recommend it to anyone who enjoyed biking as a kid and doesn't mind terribly obvious stunt doubles.