I played it. I expected an open world military sim. It wasn't very open world to say the least. I only played single player though so I don't know if multiplayer was different. But as far as single player goes, it was ok I guess. Pretty realistic. Mission were kind of boring though. Lots of walking since there weren't many…
Gorrillas are fucking scary. Niggas be strong as fuck. Also, I think I read something or watching something about a guy gorrilla beating the brakes off an already dead gorrilla. Shit was weird.
I've owned two boxers so far. The first one I got from a couple that was PCSing and she was hands down my favorite dog ever. Then she vanished so I got a boxer puppy. I might post a picture of her tomorrow.
My mouth. Ibanez ACA-15 acoustic amp Some shitty Philips mic I found laying around the house. This will get upgraded to a "First Act" mic when I get the proper cable. Making music on a budget ftw!
The only piercings I hate are the monroe ones. I always think they're moles at first. I don't like belly button piercings that much either, especially on fat chicks. I'm thinking about getting my ears gauged a bit cause it looks good.
Microsoft Flight Simulator. Exiting the sewer in Oblivion is the only mind blowing moment I can think of right now. I think it was only because of how long I was waiting for that game though.
Bear is worse than a nigger getting chased by the police. Fucker is always vaulting over and climbing up everything he sees. But he's still the cooler one.
I only like German pickles. I can't stand the American kind. Also, when I was in SC, I picked up a jar of "sweet and spicey pickles" (or something along those line) for like hamburgers and shit. Best fuckinh pickles ever.
Yeah I think size is a big factor in scariness. Also, I know that I won't die if one of my tarantulas bite me. I don't handle them because I'm more worried about their safety if one were to bite me. I'm pretty sure my first reaction would be to try and fling it off, thus injuring or killing my spider. :(
So I finally got two ferrets Friday. Rusko(male) and Caspa(female). They are seriosuly the awesomest little animals ever. And they're being good about using the litter box so its all good.
I think its weird how most people that are scared of spiders aren't scared of the spider biting them, but they're scared of the spider crawling on them. I keep tarantulas and I've had them run up my arm and stuff before but it never really bothered me. Now if it was a spider that could give me a nasty bite and/or giving me…
Yeah you're not even that big. I have to see way worse almost every day. So I wouldn't wprry so much about other people calling you fat if I were you. They just say it cause they know it bothers you.
Look at the bright side, there's always going to be someone that's fatter. Just make fun of them and you'll feel better about yourself. Also, can you post your picture again? I forgot what you look like and I don't remember you as being that big. And don't worry so much about what other people think, I know its hard to do…
Namaste, I really don't know why you bitch about people being mean to you. I tried to be nice and ask you how your first day of school was, and then you started being a bitch to me for it. So honestly, I think if you're going to act stupid like that you can fuck off &T.
Tarantula keeping, even though that's more of a passive hobby. Other than that, beatboxing. Shits great. You can just sit there and make weird noises and turn it into music. Plus, its free.
If I had a son I wouldn't be too strict with him. Same goes goes for if I have a daughter, but she wouldn't be allowed to leave the house unless she was wearing one of these: Also, I'd start feeding her a bunch of lesbian and anti-nigger propaganda from a very young age.
I'm pretty much heartless when it comes to girls. I mean, I'll be nice and caring and all that shit. But I never seem to care when they leave. So I don't really have one that got away.
If you're >15 and having sex or if you're just sleeping around in general. Which is like every girl here. I'm not really sure if that's a blessing or a curse though.
You'll be fine. It shouldn't take long till you're not nervous any more, especially if you already have friends. Have fun with that "tell everyone about yourself" shit that you have to do on the first day of class. That's the only part I hate about first days. Those niggers don't want to know about me. :mad:
We never have a lot of pitcher drinks at the house, and when we do its sweet tea. Which I hate. So I don't ever drink out of pitchers. I drink out of cartons/bottles a lot though.
I start my senior year on Tuesday. I'm not looking forward to it. :( Story: I once had a teacher, that I'm pretty sure was bi-polar, break down crying in class cause of some diease she has. It was pretty lulz. Also, some kids let a bunch of mice go in the halls. First time in my life that I ever saw a black chick go fast.…
Cats fucking suck. And I've wanted a ferret since 5th grade so now that I have the chance I'm pretty set on getting one, apart from the whole carpet issue.
1.) I do yard word for neighbors. It gets me a little bit of spending money. 2.) Nowhere. I'm trying to get a real job on the weekends though. 3.) I'm probably going to end up in the Army. Its easy money and you get to travel. I'm not too sure if I can/want to go to college. Plus I have absolutely no idea what I would…