Ive decided to drop out of school and fight crime in the Spirit of the Old Shinobi Warriors, here's what Ive got so far
Krav Maga training (two years)
some knives and a retractable night stick
and I've been thinking about learning Parkour to help me traverse obstacles
any advice from interested individuals or seasoned urban ninjas would be appreciated.
I suggest a firearm. Comes in very handy against armed assailants.
If real ninjas were around today, you can bet your sweet ass they would know how to hack and gather dox.
OP, do it, just be sure of your targets. A buddy of mine once approached me to help him and some friends drive a suspected pedo out to the edge of town and work him over a bit. Turns out the guys ex was just being a douche and the whole thing was a lie.
my loins are quivering in anticipation
Nah. I'm afraid of girls.