Just keep your shit safe. Live on the go and keep shit on you. Stuff gets stolen frequently. Desperate people, yo.
That said, you will learn a lot, and you will post those lessons here.
Won't you?
Yes. You will.
Homie, I wish you best of luck. Just don't get killed and protect yourself and your things. Making hidden pockets and having a portable knife would be a good idea.
Fuck this economy. When people can't afford a roof above their head anymore, things are seriously going downhill. But as long as the politicians order the orchestra to keep playing, the sheeple continue dancing. Nevermind the iceberg we just hit and the gradually increasing list, this thing is unsinkable, ain't it?
Would you mind elaborating on how you got in this situation and how you plan to get out of it again?
Started today. Wandered around the city for a few hours and then went to a park to take a piss. Then fell asleep in the park (sitting) and ended up at some random korean internet cafe (right here). The shelters around here are really far from where I am so I might end up sleeping at a park laying down or something. The salvation army truck usually comes around 7 am so that'll be breakfast. Right now I need somewhere decent to sleep. All the hobos here are drunk mexicans and they're fucking scary as hell. Walking around with a passport and SS card wasn't my smartest move lol.
I used to be in a few shelters, although the experience might not be applicable to you because these were women-only shelters.
Basically when I stayed in one of those, there were 1. transexuals; 2. the insane, and 3. drug addicts. Stuff gets stolen if you don't keep your eye on your stuff, but you should get a locker of your own. There are curfews and if you are not back by curfew they give your bed to someone else. They usually feed you breakfast and dinner (this is in Ontario, Canada). There are usually washing machines and dryers and they supply you with laundry detergent. they gave us roughly 26 dollars a week spending money. I didn't have to lift a finger while living in a shelter; I consider it a poor man's hotel.
You really have nowhere to go? No friends or family to stay with? No source of income?
My first suggestion is to get involved with a church. Many of them have programs where you can do work for them and in return they will clothe and feed you, and put a roof over your head. In dark times hard work and spirituality can do wonders.
Next, don't keep anything of value on you. Most homeless people cache their valuables throughout the region. Learn to hide and bury shit.
If you are completely against the church thing, then you'll need to turn to theft to survive. Read the book "evasion" if you haven't already. But remember, this style of life should be TEMPORARY.
Appearance is key to getting back on your feet. If you look presentable, you should have no problem posting ads on Craigslist and meeting people to teach them how to use computers, iPhones, setting up a Facebook page, setting up and using Netflix, etc. CATER TO PEOPLE'S CURRENT NEED - ESCAPISM. Many older people are looking for a young "geek" to teach them how to use Facebook to communicate with their college kids. Think outside of the box, and you can easily pull in $30-$50/hour if you present yourself well.
You need to stay positive and look at this as a TEMPORARY benefit. You currently have no obligations and no one to answer to but yourself. Sometimes I fucking miss that (I am bogged down by an infinite number of responsibilites and people who depend on me).
Thanks for the advice guys. Right now I changed internet cafes because the other one was filled with gooks and I felt a bit intimidated. I'm at some shitty spic cafe right now. I got no money on me except my dox and my iPhone 4. Not to mention I look like shit. I walked all day and I'm drenched in sweat and the scatter thundershowers that fell a couple of minutes ago.
I'll look into shelters but it's so fucking hard. NYC's official site doesn't 'list' them and just tells you what to/to not bring. I think that mini power nap at the park might suffice for the whole night. FML. I'll ask the Salvation Army truck in the morning about the shelters.
How are you homeless and able to afford an iPhone 4? Anyways, if real carry a switchblade with you at all times. Find yourself in a stranger danger moment, go for the vital parts of the body. If it takes a few punches to your face to get at a vital organ or artery so be it.
How are you homeless and able to afford an iPhone 4? Anyways, if real carry a switchblade with you at all times. Find yourself in a stranger danger moment, go for the vital parts of the body. If it takes a few punches to your face to get at a vital organ or artery so be it.
Lost my job and the part time wasn't enought to pay off the bills. I should sell my iPhone at Canal St. to some random nigger.
I got no money on me except my dox and my iPhone 4. Not to mention I look like shit. I walked all day and I'm drenched in sweat and the scatter thundershowers that fell a couple of minutes ago.
Sell the iphone. Buy a good pair of shoes and a good coat, those will keep you alive.
Find work. Anything, everything. Make yourself look presentable and ask for work whenever you enter any place. Go to busy restaurants (independant, not in a chain), go around the back and ask if they need a dishwasher. If you work hard they will give you food and money. Go to building sites and tell 'em you will do any work. The posting ads in shopping malls and on craigslist thing is a good idea. Work hard, make your boss proud and he will treat you well.
Listen up, dude, you can get out of this, but it's all up to you. Nobody will help you. You will not come across a miracle. Stop hoping for a rich fuck to give you a job and a place to stay, it won't happen. You have to fight to get ahead. Take any work that will pay, now is not the time to be picky. When you have some cash saved up, rent the cheapest room you can find and keep working your ass off at anything you can find until you have a couple thousand in cash. Then you can start looking for a better job, and once you've got a nice job, 10 grand in savings and enough spare cash every month you can start to look for a better place.
TL/DR: The economy is fucked. Get your shit together or it will fuck you.
Dude, Freelancing on the Internet. You can give it a shot.
Odesk, Elance.
I am willing to help you if you want.
Tell me what you're good at and I just maybe to able to get something in place. I will admit I don't have much to offer but you're a fellow Totsean and it's my duty to look after you homie.
It's pretty neat how they they give you a special 2 fare MTA pass for a day. I got 'transferred "more like kicked out' of the first one because they said they couldn't house me because I'm clean? They tested me and acted surprised because my system didn't have any weed and shit. wdf man, just because you lose your job doesn't make you some lowlife junkie. So I got sent to this shabby place, at least you get your own cubicle and shit / rooms are sperated with curtains and they smell ok. I'll head to the city tomorrow and try to get some money from this phone. wan was right they give you 50 bucks a week for expenses. I'm at some shitty internet cafe right now and the pc is fucking infested with spyware. i dont wanna get keylogged lol!!!! thats funny because I did it if my posting goes crazy and shit lock my account fucking koreans are so disgusting. Anyways yeah it's pretty chill. The people are pretty cool, I guess? Old black people are od awesome. I remember reading that on cocklet, it's 100% truth. these nig nogs know so much shit about life. wait how do you get tested and get the results the same day? lol! they prob have a lab in there or something. anyone know of some decent proxy to use? hidemyass keeps logging me off every time I click on quick links
It's pretty neat how they they give you a special 2 fare MTA pass for a day. I got 'transferred "more like kicked out' of the first one because they said they couldn't house me because I'm clean? They tested me and acted surprised because my system didn't have any weed and shit. wdf man, just because you lose your job doesn't make you some lowlife junkie. So I got sent to this shabby place, at least you get your own cubicle and shit / rooms are sperated with curtains and they smell ok. I'll head to the city tomorrow and try to get some money from this phone. wan was right they give you 50 bucks a week for expenses. I'm at some shitty internet cafe right now and the pc is fucking infested with spyware. i dont wanna get keylogged lol!!!! thats funny because I did it if my posting goes crazy and shit lock my account fucking koreans are so disgusting. Anyways yeah it's pretty chill. The people are pretty cool, I guess? Old black people are od awesome. I remember reading that on cocklet, it's 100% truth. these nig nogs know so much shit about life. wait how do you get tested and get the results the same day? lol! they prob have a lab in there or something. anyone know of some decent proxy to use? hidemyass keeps logging me off every time I click on quick links
You can offer your assistance to that Internet Cafe and clean the system. I can guide you step by step if required. Hell, just give me the specs and the budget and I will even prepare a CD for you.
You can offer your assistance to that Internet Cafe and clean the system. I can guide you step by step if required. Hell, just give me the specs and the budget and I will even prepare a CD for you.
Ask for work everywhere you go. Market your skills and keep looking presentable and you will get out of there soon enough.
Remember, in 4 months, winter starts and it'll be freezing every night. If you loose your place in a shelter then you will die. So in four months you must have your shit together.
50 bucks a week is plenty. 30 for food, the rest for various expenses, whatever you earn goes in your savings pocket. Can you cook in the shelter? Otherwise, find a place where you can. Buy whole rice (Yes it costs more but you have to watch your health! You cannot afford to get sick!). Buy a botle of multi vitamins and one of vitamin C and take the recommended dose each day. Buy canned tuna, cheese or whatever else is a cheap source of protein and buy cheap vegetables. Make sure you eat cheap but healthy. Think food triangle but with more fat. Lots of carbs, a little bit of protein and vegetables. Very little candy. Mars and snicker bars etc are FUCKING EXPENSIVE! You can get a lot more nutritional value for that money. Buy a bag of sugar and make hard candy. Eat a piece after every meal or when you need a morale boost. Sugar is cheap calories, but not very healthy, so never live on candy alone.
Edited to add: Buy alcohol. Not the drinking kind, the disinfecting kind. Not the alcogel or alcowipes or whetever shit they sell for way too much money everywhere, but a regular bottle of rubbing alcohol. Cheap and it can save your life. Be very strict about disinfecting every scrape and cut you get, you cannot afford to get an infection. Alcohol hurts a bit on open wounds, but it will kill anything. Disinfect your hands before you eat, you cannot afford to get sick. If they won't allow you in the shelter with a bottle on you, stash it somewhere outside.
I've hit rock bottom before box..if I've gotten through a similar situation as yours...then so can you..because when you work with nothing..you get creative
I am glad you are not sleeping outside, people who have never spent time on the street often think it is better to find somewhere dark and secluded to sleep, then some hard case notices their feet sticking out from some bushes and thumps them for their stuff.
I would advise against selling the phone, try to trade it in for a shit phone and some prepaid minutes. Having a way for potential employers to contact you is essential, you won't get anywhere without better work. If you need to call someone, beg change for a pay phone, save whatever minutes you can get for important things.
It sounds like the shelters you are dealing with are not too bad, better than a mat in a church basement beside someone who smells like piss. The shelter should have some pamphlets with different services like employment counselling, life skills, and better shelters you need to jump through some hoops to get into. Get whatever info you can and assess what options you have. The more you put into getting back on your feet, the more people will help you.
Mall bathrooms are a good place to wash your hair if you have to, you can wash your clothes in less used park bathrooms as well. Avoid the temptation to shoplift, it only makes things worse. Cruising restaurants and construction sites for work is a good idea, but be prepared for a lot of walking and rejection, try Greek restaurants in particular, Greeks can be pricks, but they like to help people who want to work. Avoid day labor agencies if you can, the work is always nasty.
I hope you are doing okay, it is a shit situation, but you are a totsean, and you will get by until things improve. True wisdom only comes through suffering, and it looks like you are about to get your share.
Oh, and canned beans are the best food you can eat cold from the can.
"been there, done that, made sure I never went back"
I went home this morning to pick up my backpack and took some rubbing alcohol and vitamins after reading this thread, expecting the lock to be changed lol. I should've just stayed at home till I get kicked out. I would've never thought about using the mall's bathroom, that's fucking clever as hell c/o. The shelter's bathrooms are filthy as fuck, it's no worse than a high school's bathroom though, lol. I'll try to offer my services but that would be impossible in this neighborhood. It's full of koreans and they're the type of people that are closely knit with their own kind and won't accept services from another race. A friend of mine offered to let me sleep in his home given that he has a night shift as a cleaning manager in some building in manhattan. I'll stick around the shelter for a couple of weeks then make the move, given he doesn't change his mind. We were pretty close as kids and he's pretty much like a brother to me. I'm getting this nasty cough, it's not that I'm sick, just that every time I cough, phlegm comes out which is pretty gross. I think I should stay at the apartment till I get kicked out, which would probably be today but then again the shelter has a curfew and they might not let me back in or something. oh and lol my mom was calling me, fuck that bitch. I'm gonna go on craigslist now and try to setup an ad selling my phone. it's in mint condition and shit, i aughto get over $400 for it or some more. I got fresh clothing now lol.
you left your apt. even though they havent kicked you out?
you are one pathetic loser, no offense.
True dat! How long has it been since you last payed rent? You just got a letter that says "move out" and actually moved out? Are you nuts? Are you even a totsean?
AFAIK, it takes a LONG time before they can litterally kick you out. Go back to your appartment. Just stay there, and when the landlord comes, tell him you're not moving because you've got nowhere else to go. It takes a long ass time before they can actually get the police to kick you out if you've got nowhere else to go. Go back, turn on your computer and look up what the laws are and what your rights are. But go back NOW, because once you've moved out, they can just throw your shit out of there and rent it to someone else. Go back, when the landlord shows up, tell him you're not moving 'cause you've got nowhere else to go, you're looking for a job and as soon as you've found one you're going to pay rent again / you're looking for a cheaper place and will move and pay your debts as soon as you've found one. He might call the cops, but they need a court order to actually move you out of the building, and that takes weeks, if not months.
Don't make a mess, keep the place clean and in working order, make sure nobody complains about you and look for work, and just don't move out until they will physically move you out if you stay a minute longer.
When the day comes that they will litterally kick you out though, make sure you're ready, you've packed the stuff you want to keep and when the cops are there with all the legal documents to kick you out, go out in peace without causing trouble. But until that day comes, stay put and look for work. Hell, ask your landlord and the cops if they know someone who's hiring.
An eviction notice only means they have a legal right to evict you, I know getting shit on by some pissed off landlord is a pain, but hell I stayed rent free at an apartment for two months, they hassled me daily, but unless things are very different where you are, the only person who can turf you out is a Sheriff or other agent of the court. Where I live a landlord actually has to pay about $500 for a Sheriff to forcibly evict someone. Might buy you some time, but make sure you have anything you want to keep with you when you go out, just in case they do change the locks.
Might buy you some time, but make sure you have anything you want to keep with you when you go out, just in case they do change the locks.
^^^I was just about to post this.
The landlord almost certainly has a set of keys (you DID change the locks, right?). He'll go in and change the locks while you're out. Otherwise, pretty much any locksmith will let him in your apartment since he owns the building.
yeah I did change locks immediately after I was given the apartment. It was rented without a lease and he's the building owner and superintendent. I was delayed in paying the rent for 2 months and told him I won't be able to stay. I lived a month free and leeched off the other remaining month (more like 2 weeks). He's a very nice person but you can only exploit someone so much. It surprised me that he even let me stay for so long.
Anyways, I had my first fight today. Putting aside childish quarrels, and bathroom stall fights, this was the real deal. I'm a pretty chill guy and somewhat amiable to an extend. I was leaving the park heading to a small town nearby when this massive spic called me. He said, don't give me fucking attitude. I looked back, and laughed it off, just looking at him gave me chills. The guy was massive, probably a powerlifter and looked pissed. I didnt ever recall being a douche to him but then it hit it, I've cut him several times on the bathroom line at the shelter. The guy had warned me before that he'd fucked me up if he saw me outside. I don't know what he was doing in the shelter with that fucking body but w/e. This time I was fucking scared as hell. Not the pussy scare after watching The Shining at 2:00 am, but the 'fuck I'm screwed' type of scare. At almost 6' with a flimsy body, the argument started. The typical nose to nose trash talk --- sorry my half hour expired
So we were having our little exchange of insults when he threw the first punch at my rib cage and I fell hard on the cement. He then ran headfirst after I took off and then I turned around and with my elbow hit his head. Didn't hurt him one bit and he kept pummeling my chest until I somehow miraculously managed to squeeze in my leg between his and kick his balls. His back hit the ground and I kept kicking and kicking his balls. I didn't stop until I heard a car down the avenue approaching. He just laid there one the floor and I got really scared. I'm pretty bruised up and got really fucking lucky today. As in, really lucky. After I took off, I started shivering in fear. It's an odd experience knowing that you might've potentially killed another being. I can still perfect remember how his spit from the cussing hit my face. It's as if my eyesight went macro-mode and started capturing all the miniscule details you never pay attention too. Anyways, I found out a couple of minutes ago that I might have a broken rib. There's this terrible pain when I shift left to right when I'm sitting down. I'll have to seek another place to sleep tonight. The friend that offered to let me sleep at his home turned me down after his girlfriend said no. Fucking women. I'm just surprised at how shitty things turned out for me. I had a bright future, well in some aspect, but I never thought I'd end up here in some shitty run down cafe paying half hours with spare change. I'm having cold sweats and I don't know whether it's from the shock or the pain. I've met some men who are in the same situation as I am but cannot have the same luxury as sleeping in a shelter simply because they're undocumented. It's really sad, putting racial differences aside, no one deserves to sleep at a park. These men have wasted their life savings to come here and are unable to find work and then resort to alcohol. This guy I met has 2 daughters in his homeland with his wife. He sold his kiosko to pay the coyote who ended up leaving him half way to the border. He walked several miles without water and made it. Only to end up in NYC with a 5 year old north face jacket as a pillow to sleep in a park.
I sometimes think about the reason I ended up here. Perhaps it's because I've always been spoiled with everything, or because I've never had any real motivation. I've never had a need to "work" for something. It's always been there, a shit easy job at the airlines for 5 hours a day, I thought I was set. Maybe it's because I've violated the aircraft mechanic creed. Now thinking about it, I've been very stupid and could have killed several people for the lulz. Families would've been crying, children as orphans, all because I was too lazy to walk 50 meters into the hanger to retrieve a screwdriver. I guess this is what I get for being a dick. For hitting my mother, but then again my childhood wasn't too nice. I've always thought that the whole "kids with dysfunctional families turn out fucked up" was bullshit but I'm starting to see some truth in it. Yet some of my druggie friends are close with their families and got like a gazillion friends on facebook.
I hope I don't die because of a fucking broken rib, that would suck ass. If I do feel like I'm dying, I'll write totse.info on my chest (or have someone else write it, sorry i lost my ambidextrous talent some years ago) and get naked in front of times square.
yeah I did change locks immediately after I was given the apartment. It was rented without a lease and he's the building owner and superintendent. I was delayed in paying the rent for 2 months and told him I won't be able to stay. I lived a month free and leeched off the other remaining month (more like 2 weeks). He's a very nice person but you can only exploit someone so much. It surprised me that he even let me stay for so long.
Anyways, I had my first fight today. Putting aside childish quarrels, and bathroom stall fights, this was the real deal. I'm a pretty chill guy and somewhat amiable to an extend. I was leaving the park heading to a small town nearby when this massive spic called me. He said, don't give me fucking attitude. I looked back, and laughed it off, just looking at him gave me chills. The guy was massive, probably a powerlifter and looked pissed. I didnt ever recall being a douche to him but then it hit it, I've cut him several times on the bathroom line at the shelter. The guy had warned me before that he'd fucked me up if he saw me outside. I don't know what he was doing in the shelter with that fucking body but w/e. This time I was fucking scared as hell. Not the pussy scare after watching The Shining at 2:00 am, but the 'fuck I'm screwed' type of scare. At almost 6' with a flimsy body, the argument started. The typical nose to nose trash talk --- sorry my half hour expired
So we were having our little exchange of insults when he threw the first punch at my rib cage and I fell hard on the cement. He then ran headfirst after I took off and then I turned around and with my elbow hit his head. Didn't hurt him one bit and he kept pummeling my chest until I somehow miraculously managed to squeeze in my leg between his and kick his balls. His back hit the ground and I kept kicking and kicking his balls. I didn't stop until I heard a car down the avenue approaching. He just laid there one the floor and I got really scared. I'm pretty bruised up and got really fucking lucky today. As in, really lucky. After I took off, I started shivering in fear. It's an odd experience knowing that you might've potentially killed another being. I can still perfect remember how his spit from the cussing hit my face. It's as if my eyesight went macro-mode and started capturing all the miniscule details you never pay attention too. Anyways, I found out a couple of minutes ago that I might have a broken rib. There's this terrible pain when I shift left to right when I'm sitting down. I'll have to seek another place to sleep tonight. The friend that offered to let me sleep at his home turned me down after his girlfriend said no. Fucking women. I'm just surprised at how shitty things turned out for me. I had a bright future, well in some aspect, but I never thought I'd end up here in some shitty run down cafe paying half hours with spare change. I'm having cold sweats and I don't know whether it's from the shock or the pain. I've met some men who are in the same situation as I am but cannot have the same luxury as sleeping in a shelter simply because they're undocumented. It's really sad, putting racial differences aside, no one deserves to sleep at a park. These men have wasted their life savings to come here and are unable to find work and then resort to alcohol. This guy I met has 2 daughters in his homeland with his wife. He sold his kiosko to pay the coyote who ended up leaving him half way to the border. He walked several miles without water and made it. Only to end up in NYC with a 5 year old north face jacket as a pillow to sleep in a park.
Don't fuck with him . Stay out of his way as much as possible. I am sure there are other ways of dealing with him but at this point I would like to see you in one piece.
Dear Sir/Madam
Am Garry and i would like to order Dumpsters from you and would like to know the types and sizes you have in stock as well as the prices and the types of credit cards that you take for payment.Thank you and waiting to hear from you as soon as possible.
I got this e-mail on Totse webmasters account, I lol'ed.
Dude, why don't you just add a fucking Donate Money, I am living in a shelter tag in your signature and ask porn lurkers to send some money your way.
EDIT: Reading your replies really fucking hurt me man . I wish I could help you in some way but honestly things aren't well in my place as well. The best you can do is NEVER give up. If I had some money to spare I will glady help you out mate. Just hang on.
but you Americans put yourself in this situation, not specifically you Box, but the country as a whole.
Over the years you've eroded and abolished all your social welfare programs under the misbelief that 'small government' equates to 'more wealth' but it's only benefited the wealthy, somehow they've managed to convince you that it's good for everyone.
The corprate and business world said less taxes means more jobs and then they move entire factories and officed to China/India. Now that Corprate entities can donate whatever they want to politicians it's not going to get better.
Your unions are under attack, politicians are playing games with medicare, your educational institues are starting to be divided into "places rich people go" and "others".
right-wing America is getting more idiotic and increasingly radical. There was a time when the Republicans (et al) stood for Libertarian policies now they are just whores to the elite.
The biggest future threat to America is going to be internal right-wing radical groups who will harbour the misguided sympathies of the disenfranchised (like Box) who they themselves helped put there.
but you Americans put yourself in this situation, not specifically you Box, but the country as a whole.
Over the years you've eroded and abolished all your social welfare programs under the misbelief that 'small government' equates to 'more wealth' but it's only benefited the wealthy, somehow they've managed to convince you that it's good for everyone.
The corprate and business world said less taxes means more jobs and then they move entire factories and officed to China/India. Now that Corprate entities can donate whatever they want to politicians it's not going to get better.
Your unions are under attack, politicians are playing games with medicare, your educational institues are starting to be divided into "places rich people go" and "others".
right-wing America is getting more idiotic and increasingly radical. There was a time when the Republicans (et al) stood for Libertarian policies now they are just whores to the elite.
The biggest future threat to America is going to be internal right-wing radical groups who will harbour the misguided sympathies of the disenfranchised (like Box) who they themselves helped put there.
The most thought-out and purposeful post of the day award goes to...
Srsly. Said it better than I ever could, and I couldn't even put it into words.
Stop being a dick. Serious replies only please.
What's a SOB?
son of a bitch
you'z is a hobo.
That said, you will learn a lot, and you will post those lessons here.
Won't you?
Yes. You will.
Fuck this economy. When people can't afford a roof above their head anymore, things are seriously going downhill. But as long as the politicians order the orchestra to keep playing, the sheeple continue dancing. Nevermind the iceberg we just hit and the gradually increasing list, this thing is unsinkable, ain't it?
Would you mind elaborating on how you got in this situation and how you plan to get out of it again?
I'm serious.
Started today. Wandered around the city for a few hours and then went to a park to take a piss. Then fell asleep in the park (sitting) and ended up at some random korean internet cafe (right here). The shelters around here are really far from where I am so I might end up sleeping at a park laying down or something. The salvation army truck usually comes around 7 am so that'll be breakfast. Right now I need somewhere decent to sleep. All the hobos here are drunk mexicans and they're fucking scary as hell. Walking around with a passport and SS card wasn't my smartest move lol.
Basically when I stayed in one of those, there were 1. transexuals; 2. the insane, and 3. drug addicts. Stuff gets stolen if you don't keep your eye on your stuff, but you should get a locker of your own. There are curfews and if you are not back by curfew they give your bed to someone else. They usually feed you breakfast and dinner (this is in Ontario, Canada). There are usually washing machines and dryers and they supply you with laundry detergent. they gave us roughly 26 dollars a week spending money. I didn't have to lift a finger while living in a shelter; I consider it a poor man's hotel.
I would absolutely do it again.
My first suggestion is to get involved with a church. Many of them have programs where you can do work for them and in return they will clothe and feed you, and put a roof over your head. In dark times hard work and spirituality can do wonders.
Next, don't keep anything of value on you. Most homeless people cache their valuables throughout the region. Learn to hide and bury shit.
If you are completely against the church thing, then you'll need to turn to theft to survive. Read the book "evasion" if you haven't already. But remember, this style of life should be TEMPORARY.
Appearance is key to getting back on your feet. If you look presentable, you should have no problem posting ads on Craigslist and meeting people to teach them how to use computers, iPhones, setting up a Facebook page, setting up and using Netflix, etc. CATER TO PEOPLE'S CURRENT NEED - ESCAPISM. Many older people are looking for a young "geek" to teach them how to use Facebook to communicate with their college kids. Think outside of the box, and you can easily pull in $30-$50/hour if you present yourself well.
You need to stay positive and look at this as a TEMPORARY benefit. You currently have no obligations and no one to answer to but yourself. Sometimes I fucking miss that (I am bogged down by an infinite number of responsibilites and people who depend on me).
I'll look into shelters but it's so fucking hard. NYC's official site doesn't 'list' them and just tells you what to/to not bring. I think that mini power nap at the park might suffice for the whole night. FML. I'll ask the Salvation Army truck in the morning about the shelters.
Lost my job and the part time wasn't enought to pay off the bills. I should sell my iPhone at Canal St. to some random nigger.
Sell the iphone. Buy a good pair of shoes and a good coat, those will keep you alive.
Find work. Anything, everything. Make yourself look presentable and ask for work whenever you enter any place. Go to busy restaurants (independant, not in a chain), go around the back and ask if they need a dishwasher. If you work hard they will give you food and money. Go to building sites and tell 'em you will do any work. The posting ads in shopping malls and on craigslist thing is a good idea. Work hard, make your boss proud and he will treat you well.
Listen up, dude, you can get out of this, but it's all up to you. Nobody will help you. You will not come across a miracle. Stop hoping for a rich fuck to give you a job and a place to stay, it won't happen. You have to fight to get ahead. Take any work that will pay, now is not the time to be picky. When you have some cash saved up, rent the cheapest room you can find and keep working your ass off at anything you can find until you have a couple thousand in cash. Then you can start looking for a better job, and once you've got a nice job, 10 grand in savings and enough spare cash every month you can start to look for a better place.
TL/DR: The economy is fucked. Get your shit together or it will fuck you.
I lold so hard at this!! thats great!
Dude, Freelancing on the Internet. You can give it a shot.
Odesk, Elance.
I am willing to help you if you want.
Tell me what you're good at and I just maybe to able to get something in place. I will admit I don't have much to offer but you're a fellow Totsean and it's my duty to look after you homie.
It's pretty neat how they they give you a special 2 fare MTA pass for a day. I got 'transferred "more like kicked out' of the first one because they said they couldn't house me because I'm clean?
You can offer your assistance to that Internet Cafe and clean the system. I can guide you step by step if required. Hell, just give me the specs and the budget and I will even prepare a CD for you.
Ask for work everywhere you go. Market your skills and keep looking presentable and you will get out of there soon enough.
Remember, in 4 months, winter starts and it'll be freezing every night. If you loose your place in a shelter then you will die. So in four months you must have your shit together.
50 bucks a week is plenty. 30 for food, the rest for various expenses, whatever you earn goes in your savings pocket. Can you cook in the shelter? Otherwise, find a place where you can. Buy whole rice (Yes it costs more but you have to watch your health! You cannot afford to get sick!). Buy a botle of multi vitamins and one of vitamin C and take the recommended dose each day. Buy canned tuna, cheese or whatever else is a cheap source of protein and buy cheap vegetables. Make sure you eat cheap but healthy. Think food triangle but with more fat. Lots of carbs, a little bit of protein and vegetables. Very little candy. Mars and snicker bars etc are FUCKING EXPENSIVE! You can get a lot more nutritional value for that money. Buy a bag of sugar and make hard candy. Eat a piece after every meal or when you need a morale boost. Sugar is cheap calories, but not very healthy, so never live on candy alone.
Edited to add: Buy alcohol. Not the drinking kind, the disinfecting kind. Not the alcogel or alcowipes or whetever shit they sell for way too much money everywhere, but a regular bottle of rubbing alcohol. Cheap and it can save your life. Be very strict about disinfecting every scrape and cut you get, you cannot afford to get an infection. Alcohol hurts a bit on open wounds, but it will kill anything. Disinfect your hands before you eat, you cannot afford to get sick. If they won't allow you in the shelter with a bottle on you, stash it somewhere outside.
I would advise against selling the phone, try to trade it in for a shit phone and some prepaid minutes. Having a way for potential employers to contact you is essential, you won't get anywhere without better work. If you need to call someone, beg change for a pay phone, save whatever minutes you can get for important things.
It sounds like the shelters you are dealing with are not too bad, better than a mat in a church basement beside someone who smells like piss. The shelter should have some pamphlets with different services like employment counselling, life skills, and better shelters you need to jump through some hoops to get into. Get whatever info you can and assess what options you have. The more you put into getting back on your feet, the more people will help you.
Mall bathrooms are a good place to wash your hair if you have to, you can wash your clothes in less used park bathrooms as well. Avoid the temptation to shoplift, it only makes things worse. Cruising restaurants and construction sites for work is a good idea, but be prepared for a lot of walking and rejection, try Greek restaurants in particular, Greeks can be pricks, but they like to help people who want to work. Avoid day labor agencies if you can, the work is always nasty.
I hope you are doing okay, it is a shit situation, but you are a totsean, and you will get by until things improve. True wisdom only comes through suffering, and it looks like you are about to get your share.
Oh, and canned beans are the best food you can eat cold from the can.
"been there, done that, made sure I never went back"
I went home this morning to pick up my backpack and took some rubbing alcohol and vitamins after reading this thread, expecting the lock to be changed lol. I should've just stayed at home till I get kicked out. I would've never thought about using the mall's bathroom, that's fucking clever as hell c/o. The shelter's bathrooms are filthy as fuck, it's no worse than a high school's bathroom though, lol. I'll try to offer my services but that would be impossible in this neighborhood. It's full of koreans and they're the type of people that are closely knit with their own kind and won't accept services from another race. A friend of mine offered to let me sleep in his home given that he has a night shift as a cleaning manager in some building in manhattan. I'll stick around the shelter for a couple of weeks then make the move, given he doesn't change his mind. We were pretty close as kids and he's pretty much like a brother to me. I'm getting this nasty cough, it's not that I'm sick, just that every time I cough, phlegm comes out which is pretty gross. I think I should stay at the apartment till I get kicked out, which would probably be today but then again the shelter has a curfew and they might not let me back in or something. oh and lol my mom was calling me, fuck that bitch. I'm gonna go on craigslist now and try to setup an ad selling my phone. it's in mint condition and shit, i aughto get over $400 for it or some more. I got fresh clothing now lol.
you are one pathetic loser, no offense.
True dat! How long has it been since you last payed rent? You just got a letter that says "move out" and actually moved out? Are you nuts? Are you even a totsean?
AFAIK, it takes a LONG time before they can litterally kick you out. Go back to your appartment. Just stay there, and when the landlord comes, tell him you're not moving because you've got nowhere else to go. It takes a long ass time before they can actually get the police to kick you out if you've got nowhere else to go. Go back, turn on your computer and look up what the laws are and what your rights are. But go back NOW, because once you've moved out, they can just throw your shit out of there and rent it to someone else. Go back, when the landlord shows up, tell him you're not moving 'cause you've got nowhere else to go, you're looking for a job and as soon as you've found one you're going to pay rent again / you're looking for a cheaper place and will move and pay your debts as soon as you've found one. He might call the cops, but they need a court order to actually move you out of the building, and that takes weeks, if not months.
Don't make a mess, keep the place clean and in working order, make sure nobody complains about you and look for work, and just don't move out until they will physically move you out if you stay a minute longer.
When the day comes that they will litterally kick you out though, make sure you're ready, you've packed the stuff you want to keep and when the cops are there with all the legal documents to kick you out, go out in peace without causing trouble. But until that day comes, stay put and look for work. Hell, ask your landlord and the cops if they know someone who's hiring.
"good luck, chuck"
^^^I was just about to post this.
The landlord almost certainly has a set of keys (you DID change the locks, right?). He'll go in and change the locks while you're out. Otherwise, pretty much any locksmith will let him in your apartment since he owns the building.
Not really an ideal situation...
Anyways, I had my first fight today. Putting aside childish quarrels, and bathroom stall fights, this was the real deal. I'm a pretty chill guy and somewhat amiable to an extend. I was leaving the park heading to a small town nearby when this massive spic called me. He said, don't give me fucking attitude. I looked back, and laughed it off, just looking at him gave me chills. The guy was massive, probably a powerlifter and looked pissed. I didnt ever recall being a douche to him but then it hit it, I've cut him several times on the bathroom line at the shelter. The guy had warned me before that he'd fucked me up if he saw me outside. I don't know what he was doing in the shelter with that fucking body but w/e. This time I was fucking scared as hell. Not the pussy scare after watching The Shining at 2:00 am, but the 'fuck I'm screwed' type of scare. At almost 6' with a flimsy body, the argument started. The typical nose to nose trash talk --- sorry my half hour expired
So we were having our little exchange of insults when he threw the first punch at my rib cage and I fell hard on the cement. He then ran headfirst after I took off and then I turned around and with my elbow hit his head. Didn't hurt him one bit and he kept pummeling my chest until I somehow miraculously managed to squeeze in my leg between his and kick his balls. His back hit the ground and I kept kicking and kicking his balls. I didn't stop until I heard a car down the avenue approaching. He just laid there one the floor and I got really scared. I'm pretty bruised up and got really fucking lucky today. As in, really lucky. After I took off, I started shivering in fear. It's an odd experience knowing that you might've potentially killed another being. I can still perfect remember how his spit from the cussing hit my face. It's as if my eyesight went macro-mode and started capturing all the miniscule details you never pay attention too. Anyways, I found out a couple of minutes ago that I might have a broken rib. There's this terrible pain when I shift left to right when I'm sitting down. I'll have to seek another place to sleep tonight. The friend that offered to let me sleep at his home turned me down after his girlfriend said no. Fucking women. I'm just surprised at how shitty things turned out for me. I had a bright future, well in some aspect, but I never thought I'd end up here in some shitty run down cafe paying half hours with spare change. I'm having cold sweats and I don't know whether it's from the shock or the pain. I've met some men who are in the same situation as I am but cannot have the same luxury as sleeping in a shelter simply because they're undocumented. It's really sad, putting racial differences aside, no one deserves to sleep at a park. These men have wasted their life savings to come here and are unable to find work and then resort to alcohol. This guy I met has 2 daughters in his homeland with his wife. He sold his kiosko to pay the coyote who ended up leaving him half way to the border. He walked several miles without water and made it. Only to end up in NYC with a 5 year old north face jacket as a pillow to sleep in a park.
I sometimes think about the reason I ended up here. Perhaps it's because I've always been spoiled with everything, or because I've never had any real motivation. I've never had a need to "work" for something. It's always been there, a shit easy job at the airlines for 5 hours a day, I thought I was set. Maybe it's because I've violated the aircraft mechanic creed. Now thinking about it, I've been very stupid and could have killed several people for the lulz. Families would've been crying, children as orphans, all because I was too lazy to walk 50 meters into the hanger to retrieve a screwdriver. I guess this is what I get for being a dick. For hitting my mother, but then again my childhood wasn't too nice. I've always thought that the whole "kids with dysfunctional families turn out fucked up" was bullshit but I'm starting to see some truth in it. Yet some of my druggie friends are close with their families and got like a gazillion friends on facebook.
I hope I don't die because of a fucking broken rib, that would suck ass. If I do feel like I'm dying, I'll write totse.info on my chest (or have someone else write it, sorry i lost my ambidextrous talent some years ago) and get naked in front of times square.
Don't fuck with him
I got this e-mail on Totse webmasters account, I lol'ed.
Dude, why don't you just add a fucking Donate Money, I am living in a shelter tag in your signature and ask porn lurkers to send some money your way.
EDIT: Reading your replies really fucking hurt me man
but you Americans put yourself in this situation, not specifically you Box, but the country as a whole.
Over the years you've eroded and abolished all your social welfare programs under the misbelief that 'small government' equates to 'more wealth' but it's only benefited the wealthy, somehow they've managed to convince you that it's good for everyone.
The corprate and business world said less taxes means more jobs and then they move entire factories and officed to China/India. Now that Corprate entities can donate whatever they want to politicians it's not going to get better.
Your unions are under attack, politicians are playing games with medicare, your educational institues are starting to be divided into "places rich people go" and "others".
right-wing America is getting more idiotic and increasingly radical. There was a time when the Republicans (et al) stood for Libertarian policies now they are just whores to the elite.
The biggest future threat to America is going to be internal right-wing radical groups who will harbour the misguided sympathies of the disenfranchised (like Box) who they themselves helped put there.
I thought Box was still in high school but thought maybe i missed something.
for "help"
The most thought-out and purposeful post of the day award goes to...
Srsly. Said it better than I ever could, and I couldn't even put it into words.