@sexymomma77 hey man if ya need help on how to learn cook shoot me a msg we will see how to help ya the rule of thumb however is that first stock up on the sudo,i mean,you need at least 2400 mg of pse to run a decent cook,so if you are in the US u need to smurf some boxes or have smurfers go for ya second you will go at…
snb is a modified birch so the "light" alternative is this. you need sodastream bottle,don t go over fexs because you want to see the process i always recommend the sodastream bottle,i havent cook in all these years without those bottles and infact i dont have any problems; go for gatorade bottles or coke are recipe for…
uncle fester stopped by the 2010 to being active on old boards wareami did in 2011 iirc or 2012,the mek boil. personally atm i have loads of white 60, so im happy to not having anymore to lose time behind that crap
u r a fool. rp/ or acid cooks yeilds ALWAYS BETTER DOPE that bottle dope plus many gup chucked pillz in bottle dope, than in serious rxn u have to clean your feedstock and this days with eudrashit (eudragit) polymers and such the turps cure wont work, also japan dryer not strb3 and tetra trap and washing sodia can work so…
enso u are an offense for bees, however i posted your rp/i mini rxn on wetdreams and bees like jacked or organikum swear about your dishonesty only in a forum like this w/o bees who make meff or molly u can post old write up plus u should know that microcooks owns too variables and the honey u pull is always near zero 1ST…
Enso the fact that you copy paste the recipe is the be spelling bee, which is only a peculiarlty of the old bees at the hive and micro rxn are only loss of time
u r a fool. rp/ or acid cooks yeilds ALWAYS BETTER DOPE that bottle dope plus many gup chucked pillz in bottle dope, than in serious rxn u have to clean your feedstock and this days with eudrashit (eudragit) polymers and such the turps cure wont work, also japan dryer not strb3 and tetra trap and washing sodia can work so…
in my country never existed red hots...i know what are u talikin about however the tetra trap con 120's gives good yeilds and really clean pesudo,and withy pillz i own is a good method
@wurgurf mate good italian! did you think sulpahte of ammonia fertilizer could work in a snb environment since i ran out of redP because here matchbooks are w/o redp,i was using a labgrade product bought from ebay but the seller went MIA my SoA is not labgrade, is a big bag for the fieldz i think the pillz i have and that…
is happened that both me and wurgurf comes from totse2. the writeups the user enso claim to be himself writing comes instead from a friend of us on the totse2 forum better living trough chemistry,it was a 80+ pages long post plus the other writeups coming both from the underground hive and wetdreams,and since im into these…
if you in your life have u ever make lwr rp/i ull know for sure that the error window in such micro rxns is too big plus this reduction was posted on2003 by curbshot and all the old bees said that is a shit but u in 2003 u aren't on the hive
enso you have plagiarized the work of dr. Robert lindsay, aka the tramp, great the underground hive member, all wetdreams incarnations, and my personal friend during the year and my teacher of chemistry the next move will be Mdma synthesis not by argox or rhodium but by Enso? get the fuck out FRAUD
the real one li remain my friend, including his wife anx his 2 child he now lives in a an house into the forest and is not live anymore in Springfield, Missouri i cant write here his name and surname, but if u guys remember, i sent pillz to him he was the only English including u guys of the old gang that respect me for my…
i hear li every once on email or via Google hangouts i also remain in contact with hotdogfrenchfries, in real life is an IT genius, he have a bunch of money, went to my house 2 years ago in italy. yea im still here, but maybe in 2018 will come to British Columbia
the tetra trap is the best with 120's, i use the lt method with 60's good ol tramp from wetdreams befriended me and he trained me on acid cooks, which i prefer over lwr, that still gives amazing dope
hey wurgurf this is neuromante999 from totse2, the italian guy.. do you remember me on the LI thread? i also wrote on the enso tek that he steal everything from li tech, and i can provide the prove, since i downloaded the entire 70 plus pages post plus i have the 12 part videos li sent me because i sent him some sudo... i…
@enso: i was at the hive, synthetikal, all wetdreams incarnation and the collective if you was an active there you'll know for sure what the other like geez, tramp(rip bob queenbee) ware etc they consider shake and fake a shit, especially when you just gup chucked pillz and you'll had a product tainted with cmp
hey to all, here is neuromante999 from totse2 your writeup was wrote from Li, you copied the same words i still have the over 100 pagse thread, and since i shipped good ol LI, i have a video splitted in 12 files of the entire cook