My collection and opinion of flashlights. First of all, ninjas got by for hundreds of years without the need for flashlights. Just another example of humanity's hopeless dependency on technology which they don't actually need. That said, I also have an unhealthy obsession with them. I have a ton of random lights, but only eight that I actually
like and five that I actually
1. AA Minimag, upgraded with an LED and tailcap switch kit from some online store.
2. Maglite Solataire. Tiny, and creates an equally tiny amount of light, which is perfect for situations when you need just enough illumination to see something close up without drawing attention to yourself in the dark with a brighter light.
3. 3-D cell Maglite. Bought an LED upgrade for it from the same site. Has the option of narrowing the beam to a small circle which works well for illuminating a small area at a great distance. The LED bulb puts out slightly less light than the standard incandescent, but lasts a lot longer, obviouslty. The other reason the D cell Maglites are popular is their ability to double as a club, where need be.
4. Shitty Chinese headlight. Very cheap but does its job. Has 3 brightness settings and is of course good for when you need light, but need both hands free for other things.
5. SureFire 9P (incandescent). This is the most powerful of the 'small' SureFire's, putting out 100 lumens with the standard lamp (1-hour battery life) and 200 (20 minutes battery life) with the P91 upgrade lamp. The 200 lumen bulb will burn a hole through your pocket if left on. There's very little use for a light like this on a night op though. Good if you need to brightly illuminate a huge area for a short period of time. Also great for blinding people in the dark as a method of defence (believe me, it burns). You'll get no better flashlight than this.

If you have to ask that, you don't belong here. EVERYONE (that counts) knows who I am.
I think you are just some wannabe tuff guy.
~1900 staked out, inconspicuous, waited.
~2000 after parking, walked to the store and bought some powerade
~2015 walked through back lots, through woods, to perimiter barbed wire fence
~2025 waited. security personnel patrol perimeter
~2035 defeated first fence, crossed parking lot
~2037 defeated second fence, walked past maintenance building towards my waypoint, the ladder leading to the roof.
~2038 was on roof! ^_______^
there were a lot of close calls. got the shots he wanted, explored the massive roof. fortunately, the security personnel were having some sort of a party, using the factory PA system to play ethereal samba/rock music and yelling.
Getting out was a challenge, since he did NOT want to leave the way he came. next time, will bring a utility tool and maybe a small flashlight or lockpicks.
basically, he ended up jumping the front gate right next to a security guard. BALLS.
We should get a Night Ops section or something so that these can all be in seperate threads. I dunno.
We met at the designated meeting point with no trouble. I hid in the shadow of a bush while i waited, assessing the factors of the night - Weather (rainy), Moonlight (Gloomy and dull, no problem there), amount of people walking about (Slim to none.)
Some guy walked past, shouted something really loud and scared the shit out of me. Luckily he didn't see me, and eventually my friend turned up.
We walked out of the meeting place, and down the street towards our first destination. The floor was wet due to rainfall, and my shoes were making a terrible squelching sound with every step on the concrete. I decided we needed to use grass to step on as much as possible, and headed for the nearest patch while staying in the shadows. By now, the rain was picking up a little, and as long as we stayed on the grass, we were silent as anything. Continuing along the road, we found that there were very few cars traveling past. This made our job a lot easier as we didn't find ourselves diving into every hedge on the way.
Our first problems began a little way down the road, where a brightly illuminated building cast great amounts of light across the street. Although we shouldn't have done, we dashed across a few lawns and layed low in a group of trees for a minute or two. Here we discussed our next moves, waited for cars to pass, and eventually we stepped back out into the street and made for some more bushes before continuing a little further along the road.
We had reached our first location. Slowly, we climbed the sturdy wooden fence and dropped down on the other side, onto the grassy floor. We moved silently across the carpark, past the scene of a previous op, and round the back of a building. This is where things got easier, and we crossed another grassy area silently. We came up to a checkpoint, behind a big freight container, and decided that i would be moving out into the open, to tag the structure in a park. I waited in the undergrowth for a car to pass - my friend stayed hidden here keeping a look out with a rock, in case i needed to GTFO with a distraction. I moved quickly, but silently. Within seconds, i was underneath the structure, which i placed my tag on. A few seconds later, i made my way back to my friend, and we went back to the first meeting location for the next part of the mission...
Crossing the street and going in the other direction now, we made our way down a dark street with grass either side. Handy for being silent, but we soon came into streetlight territory. Luckily, we passed the lights fairly quickly without being seen, and darted into a pitch dark alleyway. We moved silently down here, as in a previous op (which i have documented on this forum), a dog barked and gave us away. Luckily, the dog stayed silent this time, and we turned off the alleyway into the street. We paused by a fence next to a house - someone was outside, right on the other side of the fence. After about 5 minutes of them scuffling about, they went inside, locked the door and turned the lights off.
We pressed on, down another brightly illuminated street and reached the next checkpoint. The next part was very tricky. We were on the side of a hedge which was pitch black, but we needed to reach the other side which was in full illumination. We crept along the hedgerow, waited for a car to pass, and darted round the corner, into the front garden of the target house. A security light came on, but by the time anyone could have looked outside, we had already disappeared around the corner of the house. There is a narrow alleyway between the hedge and the house which we crept along, until we reached the back garden. Pausing at the corner of the house to check for any activity, we realised the TV was on and everyone was sitting in the room next to us. We opened a little gate and made our way around the outskirts of the garden, hiding in the shadows of various things - a table, clothes line, animal hutches. We finally reached the garage back door, and slipped inside.
This was just a training mission, so we didn't perform any activity inside the garage. However, after we safely extracted, this was mission complete for us!
It was a great mission overall, very fun and we certainly learned a bunch.
At the very least, there should be a stickied night ops thread. *hinthint*:cool:
>> <<
Sounds fair enough. I've been on that NO forum for a year or two now, it's pretty cool. We should establish some kind of link between the two communities.
Fuck yeahhhh. I love the NO spirit here, its like, people actually get out and DO shit.
Doing a sucessful op, awsome. Actually taking good pictures too, legend.
Mission complete motherfuckers.
Thing was pretty damn big. Went out at about 3am. It was by a highway so we ran across a four lane highway with this thing. It was pretty funny. They have another one now there. They replaced it. I think I should go get two. Lmao.
Brb, night-ops right now, back in a little while.
Was pretty awesome.
I have no problem with that. I'm not sure what sort of connection could possibly be established, though. The forum is practically a repository for guides and information right now and would be most useful as that more so than an active forum, something it hasn't been for many years now. If anyone would like, we can see about adding in guides you might create on there to make sure it stays online and within immediate reach of everyone looking.
Glad to see you back in the scene, Kaiser.
By the way, I wrote this the other day. You may or may not find it useful on your ops, but it's a fun trick to know anyways:
Night Ops Trip Alarm
Kinda like when tM was TOTSE's place for doing bad things.
Did you write some NO guides? I remember reading them. They were pretty good.
I think I'm gonna put up some gear pics and 'night ops wisdom/tips' a bit later.
night ops, yeah! *punches a hole in the wall*
A couple. Some selected reading:
The Value of Stealth
Way of the Shadow
Avoiding Spotlights At the Ground Level
The Mylar Shield
The Moon and How It Affects Visibility
Carpet Sandals
The Assault Vest
The Rumble Pick
Improvised Gear
Cheap IR Navigation Trick
Automobile Insertion
Application of the Wrist Rocket
The Importance of the Element of Surprise
Ankle Rolling (to Defeat Footprints
Brute Force: Ramming Doors
Brute Force: Prying Doors
Brute Force: Wedging Doors
Carding Locks
Shoelacing Locks
Alarm Detection Techniques - The Security Decal
Alarm Detection Techniques - The PIR Sensor
Alarm Detection Techniques - The Magnetic Switch
The Alibi
Things To Avoid On the Operation
The Laws of The Night
Urban Survival
Suburbs, woods close by, lake erie.
Go do it, and post pics:thumbsup:
It just wouldn't feel the same if night ops were actually accepted by the staff of another forum.
On that note, my 10th anniversary for night ops is coming up soon. I'll bet you I'm still a 14 year old ninja wanna-be when that day comes. After all, anyone who sneaks around must be a kidiot.
If and when this site grows, it's safe to assume the total ignorant disrespect will continue once again. From people whos next post will be about making teh axe bombz or robbing a drug dealer, no less. :facepalm:
Cheers to an old hobby, and to continued discussions with fellow operatives who have a clue.
I'll take it that at 24 you've hung up the ski mask and ninja climbing gloves for good? Lol.
Right next to my ninja uniform, throwing stars, ninja sword, and nunchuck gun. No sense in hiding it, everyone else already knows that what every operative carries. :thumbsup:
Guys you got no idea how happeh I am to see you back!
I imagine your face looks much like this one -
Go back to school my little kiddies.
Currently working on getting some accessories for my radio/scanner.
Whatever you say NDY
Psychlonic, was it really that easy and all you had to do was do some carding? I would think government buildings would be harder to get into/ more well surveyed
So yeah, pretty sad. The room I got the oxygen packs from was guarded by a metal door but no lip to prevent carding. No deadbolt. I probably could have picked it easily as well but figured I could card it just as well.
Even worse was a nearby standalone shed with a beefy padlock... Only problem was, the door hinges themselves were accessible and could be unscrewed, swinging open the entire assembly. :facepalm:
The actual main treatment building had a decent looking door set up but still only the lock on the handle itself, no bolts. So basically, if someone wanted, they could waltz right up and steal an oxygen pack, pick their way into the treatment area, put on the mask, walk through the chlorine gas and poison the water supply, killing thousands.
Way to go, guys. :rolleyes:
Address plz?
Whenever you disable safety equipment in one way or another or completely remove it, please make it ABUNDANTLY clear to anybody that enters the building that the equipment is disabled / gone. There are people who's lives depend on these things, and they generally assume nobody would mess with that sort of equipment. You may not understand the utility of oxygen packs in a water treatment plant, but if they are there, it's because they need to be there. When methane levels get too high / there's a clorine leak people need to be able to breathe while getting out of there (in case you didn't know: oxygen packs are used to escape a dangerous environment, never to enter one, so they can't say "oh, we'll just find another pack before we enter", it's usually "I need to get out of here NOW but I can't hold my breath long enough and if I breathe this shit I'm dead"). Safety equipment is incredibly expensive, so if it is present somewhere, it's usually because it's necessary.
If somebody gets hurt / dies because the gear he assumed to be in working condition in it's proper location was actually taken / disabled by you, you're responsible (both in a legal and in a moral way).
And no shit about keeping morals out of BI, nightoppers generally HAVE morals. That's the thing that differentiates them from regular burglars.
Haha; I always have a good laugh at these things. Have these people never heard the thing about the weakest link in the chain? :rolleyes: