its weird but i can't find any mainstream links to this, but it looks legit cuz 5 or 6 websites have the same story. anyways, for the lazy: edit: holy shit, no wonder mainstream hasn't covered this, this motherfucker wants people to start burning down police stations! hes not fuckin around! Last Statement by Tom Ball
golden, you're a fuckin idiot, how does he hate on race at all in the OP?? actually quite the opposite, he ridicules people based on their racism. go fuck yourself, loser. also I think the right gets much more hate than the left here.
so wait, the dick goes inside, but the balls hang out? lol these are fuckin weird. I have heard that having the balls squeezed against the body like in tighty whities is bad for fertility. maybe these underwear address that?
.................................... I don't even know what to say on this. a five year old should know better than to hold someones head under water. fuckin niggers. also, the winner of a darwin award has to kill himself.
im not going to buy this game just based on general principle. I will torrent it, burn it to a CD and then piss on the CD and break it. fuckin vaporware isn't gonna fool me.
hey waht s up man this is just a firendly community of like minded people, we are all so supportive of each other and i think you will fit right in. what is your favorit color?
yea they actually just opened 3 fuckin different types of frozen yogurt shops in my town in the last month. i went for the first time last week and really liked it. good stuff.
please for fuck's sake don't stick something like a dull end of a needle in there dude. what if you get too excited and the damn thing goes all the way in? FUck man dont be a fucking iddiot. find something that has a T on the end so it wont get stuck in your dick and then you get to go to the ER and explain how yuou got…
its probably just a half ass pat down where they check your pockets and legs. hide it in your underwear, or tape it underneath your nuts if you're really paranoid.
well i heard about this a long time ago so they may be onto it, but it's worth a try: go in the drive-thru, it needs to be one where both sides are enclosed so the only way out is to go through the drive thru. when u get to order, just say that you dont want to order any more and you're just gonna leave. let the line move…
that's not what he said. he said the guy shot himself in the temple and removed both eyes and the bridge of his nose. you can see from this medical shit that the brain does not extend into the sinus area and that if someone shot himself in the temple at the right angle(perpendicular to the head) it could miss the brain…