Lol all the replies are from mods. Anyway, Dfg this site is slowly going down, I liked it man but it's just getting fucking stupid now. I liked you ALOT (no hmo).But it's like 75% of the users on this site are mods..?This site is just going nowhere at the moment and mods should have A LOT more respect towards fellow…
After I finish a sentence on my iPhone like this ill press return Just hit return this should be a new lineHit return again anyway Dfg why you up so early you early cunt ^ there you go, see if anyone else using an iPhone has this problem
vickylala?? Oh and waffles, you don't need to post so many pictures of yourself on the Internet you fucking gaylord Is that your mom in the 3rd picture or your dad? Either way I'd still fucking rape it and make you watch you inbred cunt
I'm so fucking mad right nowOmg I swear allahu akbar fucking salekaam selaam fucking bastard fuckHERE IS THE FUCKING PROBLEM-when I post on my iPhone (yea baby pakies don't got dem) I use RETURN to go to the next line ok?BUT. when I actually post the complete thread every line I have pressed return on ends up touching the…
Paco you look like a cool customer, I especially like the volume on your left bicep But I'm sorry man when I get mad I fuckin get mad and trus me bled dees tyson hooks will smash u hard skinny boi Sry bout dat
I might agree with you being Sarah. And possibly the only female on this site..BUT, lov3ly?? Come on girl that's something else right there, how can you prove your loveliness to us? Or to me??I like you Sarah but how lov3ly are you really???????????///
look at that, a typical fat squashed nigger nose that needs a good fucking smash oh and why are there no nigger astronauts? no its not because niggers are degenarate crackhead fucking rapist losers its because their lips burst at 50'000 ft hahaha and look at the gap in the teeth LMAO i could put cigarette in there