I recently read that methanol is used because a) it works better b) ethanol is illegal in some states ( and denatured alcohol they sell in these state will kill u) 1) methanol will also kill you and make you blind so alcohol is better
you mean like the mail slot on a front door? i dont know what the fuck a letterbox is. But if you put a ton of birds through one of those it would be fuckin hilarious
Obviously he isn't form America because if you wheren't retarded you would have notised that he said lad in the topic. Modern family is funny as hell for todays type of bullshit humor. Nothin beats classic good tv like married with children.
Oh shit, thats crazy man! Okay alternatively we need to all start applying to reality shows and game shows and get totse the fuck on the TV. Just been thinkin about the roadsign fiasco recently. We could do some crazy shit or just wear a totse shirt every fuckin episode. Just act completely normal the whole show, and…
I havent user irc in many months and I have nothing to do with the totse irc. Wit the exception of fanglekai I don't go around raggin on other people gettin up in other peoples business. You mustve been abused as a child. I thought this was the type of place that supported freedom of expression
Okay man now that your intentions are more clear if makes more sense. Just fuckin be careful lol. just take more xannax or your normal amount plus alcohol. I woukd assume you just need to get high I.e. exceed your tolerance not get totally fuckin bombed out. Some other things: dreaming happens best during afternoon or a…
No she's dead man. If the shit in this OP is true that's a pretty fucked catastrophe theory that's sounds scientifically back, like the big ass volcano under yosemite. I wonder if a quake like that could set that bitch off?
Sorr for the double post but I can't edit posts on Android been meaning to mention to dfg Just wanted to say I didn't have shit to do with any irc shenanigans because I ner use irc anymore go ask grove What the fuck paco I thought we were friends we were always cool and used to chat on irc and you helped me that time I…
Y'all are fucking rude cloistered idiots I've been on totse since 03 and this site since it was created I think I got darthvineman in this bitch, helped pay for the server, and made y'all fuckers use it whe you wouldn't even tho it was free I've trolled or been friends with all these fuckin idiots you consider totse…
Drinking and drivimg is bullshit its like how they tell you not to txt an drive or smoke with cigarettes I'm the stoner that has full tolerance and barely and just tokes up all day to live or play cod I'm the smoker that smokes cigs, ryo, filterless, cigars, blacks, dip, and hookah more tha everyone in world. I got some of…
Ate is a interesting guy I hope the internet didn't turn him into a fag I used to mod science of the damned but I went to jail just got back it merged into pd to form conspiracy! I think it is/was a bad idea because the freaks that post in them are different kinds but is make the bbs forum home look better etc nobody ever…
That shit is fuckin crazy I watch the price a lot and aonder about that type of shit but that's straigt crazy because they had intel on the prizes, probably soeone backstage
totse was a place where for some reason everyone was on such a strange as wavelength b ut the same one I've never found a place on the internet where I actually wanted to talk about what other people thought and people could get down with I wanted to say or you could say some crazy shit to make yourself laugh and someone…
i dont get it. what are you really trying to do here. do you normally drink on your scripts do you normally take them? your tolerance and circumstances are what is going to dictate what it takes to what. the internet isnt a magical dosing machine. my goal when doing drugs is to be on them so
I don't think its funny its sad george bush is funny also we did good things in afghanistan god bless amerca But the pic of al the smke with the news caption weed legalized in new york is funny I jus hope all u fuckin idiots realize how tragic this shit was and rrly don't think its a meaninglesss joke
I always worry about doing shit like this in case they start stakin that shit out or put in a camera around harvest time and swat your ass when you go to get it
If you literally remember the dream, like you woke up a week ago and was like yo i just had this weird dream and think or talk about it, then the dream fuckin comes true - thats some psychic shit. If you have some crazy feeling that this shit has happened before, maybe you dreamed it- either your a dumbfuck and forgot you…
i wanna read that fuckin book in that national treasure movie where its the book all the presidents have wrote shit and secrets for other presidents to read then i would dick around and travel then move to forest and become a tengu
joined 03-05 idfk you know im like the best poster when i was real young i fuckin was readin these sick ass paranormal stories in sotd back n the day unmatched by anything else ive ever read then i read like all 13 pages of shit so i read some textfiles and hit up the irc then after awhile started postin up on the forums…
That shit is dope - I love the old internet I wish I was around to see it. LOL @ &totse being listed with the religions because I always include shit like that in my ranting. Damn we need to get a fuckin bbs set up...
Thats fuckin crazy dude! Never wouldve imagined. Ive heard some horrible shit about WB though so I would never try it. Im thinking the ambien was a contributor to why your experience was different from others.