1. Befriend a native. 2. Ask for homemade jerky (Its actually pretty easy to make yourself, pretty much just involves smoking whatever meat you prefer, probably some other steps too) 3. ???? 4. Lose weight : D
LOL after that extreme "liquid cold laser"| or whatev's that retardary was named. Seriously, I thought that was a pretty cool product but after thinking about what I could do for fun that wasn't illegal with it, it seemed like a little to expensive for that sort of thing.
Its true. Most if not all artistic prodigies apparently had to go through the whole 10,000 hour rule, takes a superhuman shit load of practice and patience to make it through.
Its a great post, named a lot of shit I would never have bothered trying, but I will make an effort to now once I live near a decent liquor store. And hopefully OP will smarten up when that bottle is drained.
I find whenever I go to newfoundland, I start picking up the accent after about a week of being there. Same thing happens when I hang around british people. Otherwise when I'm at home I'm absolutely terrible with accents. I have a quintessential deep monotone canadian accent which makes it difficult to speak to begin with.
LOL, well of course the bitch was eventually gonna take you to court if you give her the goddamn finger every time you see here :facepalm: Obviously something bad would come of it eventually.
What if that fat ass just finished a a 24 ounce burger though, and is now forever trapped in a never ending cycle of "sleep" where he is doomed to complete the digestion of the burger, for which there will never be any hope of complete digestion. Wut IF it just keeps on going until he gets cancer? how will that reflect on…
Pretty imaginative, sounds like a terrifying nightmare a lot of people might relate to having. I'm also curious as to what da DFG meant by the effect via down syndrome?
I think Red Dragon is ultimately my favorite out of the series, but Hannibal has a lot of story going on in it as I remember(it goes worldwide) and more delectably playful language.
Letting it go, is simply going to make matters worse brah, and dumping her won't bring you much relief either I'm sure. Its probably best you let her know, that this is a fucked up idea and proceed to lock her up in your cellar....No, but seriously you should just talk it over with your lady.
Though its kind of sketch, considering its a police state, Israel is actually pretty fun, and as a Canadian citizen everyone Loved meh! Tel Aviv is the coolest place there and night life there is crazy! not many tourists there either but there are some touristy spots fyi.
I've read all of those books except for Hannibal Rising. I decided not to read it because my friends that did basically all said the same thing, that it was a poor book and disgraced the series. However, if you feel that you must read it, written order would make more sense imo. I think you'll find the quality of writing…
Online applications are pretty much meaningless to employers unless they're desperate(see dishwashing LOL) or you actually take the initiative to approach them after sending an application and announce who you are and that you're interesting in working for them. It can be awkward at first, but if you keep doing it over and…